REPL Dr. Advice No 260 (Brachalgin) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Brachialgia (arm pain), pain in the neck, shoulder blade or arm, numbness, tingling sensations, and weakness,
Ferr Met 6
Sanguin Can 6
Spigelia 6
Rhus Tox 6
Latrodactus Q
Graphites 6Dosage:
10 to 15 drops in 1/4th cup of water 3 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 27 (Colds) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
A picture of coryza, with acrid nasal discharge and larynged symptoms. Sneezing, watery and extremely acrid discharge feeling of a lump at root of nose.
Sanguinarinum Nitricum 6x
Mercurius Solubillis 6x
Natrum Muriaticum 6x
Hydrastis Canadensis Q
Sulphur 6x
Allium Cepa 6x
Gelsemium Sempervirens 6x
Arsenicum Album 30x
Euphrasisa Officinalis 6xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 5-6 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 28 (Colitis) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Fatty or rich food causes indigestion, which coloured stools. Diarrhoea after fatty food. White or slimy stoods, Dysentry. Has a specific place the treatment of colitis.
Sulphur 200x
Argentum Nitricum 30x
Cantharis 6x
Colchicum 6x
Dioscorea Villosa Q
Magnesia Carbonica 6x
Mercurius Solubillis 6x
Balsmum Peruvianum 6x
Kali Muriaticum 6xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4 times daily. In chronic condition 4-6 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 29 (Constipation) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
Stool hard, No desire, Rectum sore, ever a soft stool is passed with difficulth, Great straining Constipation.
Aloe Socotrina 30x
Alumina 6x
Hydrastis Canadensis Q
Kali Muriaticum 6x
Magnesia Muriatica Q
Nux Vomica QDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup of warm water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.
REPL Dr. Advice No 3 (Anemia) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Medicine has a favorable influence upon the blood hence its in anemia and convalescence neurasthenia and insomnia, Best adapted to young weaklypersons anaemic and chlorotic, who flush easily.
Ferrum Metallicum 6x
Cinchona Officinalis Q
Lecithin 6x
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Natrum Muriaticum 6x
Pulsatilla Q
Agnus Castus QDosage:
5-10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.
REPL Dr. Advice No 31 (Calculus) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹140.00Current price is: ₹140.00.Indication of REPL Dr. Advice No 31:
It’s use in renal and vesical troubles, gall stones. Pain in region of kidneys. Gall stone, colic. In kidney affections, red sand in urine, backache in rinal region.
Calcarea Carbonia 30x
Berberis Vulgaris Q
Cholesterinum 3x
Dioscorea Vilosa Q
Lycopodium 30x
Solidago Virgaurea Q
Hydrangea Arborescens QDosge:
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup warm water 5-6 times daily. In chronic condition 7-8 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 32 (Catarina) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Cataract with motor disturbances, Sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil, or dust, or something pulled tightly over eyes.
Calcarea Fluorica 30x
Calcarea Phosporica 30x
Causticum 30x
Silicea 30x
Colchicum 30x
Cannabis Indica 30x
Thiosinaminum 30x
Phosphorus 30xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily for 6 months to 1 year.
REPL Dr. Advice No 33 (Climacterine) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Climacteric troubles, palpitation, flashes of heat, haemorrhages, vertex headache fainting spells. Woese, pressure of clothes, menses too short too feeble, pains all relieved by the flow. Acts specially well close of menstruation.
Cimicifuga Racemosa Q (Actaea Rac.)
Lachesis 30x
Sulphur 6x
Ignatia-Amara 6x
Sepia 6x
Sanguinaria Canadensis QDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-6 times daily for 5-9 months.
REPL Dr. Advice No 34 (Diarrohea) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
Diarrhoea, very painful, watery, copious and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration, Morbus and true diarrhea when Vomiting accompanies the pruging.
Mercurius Solubilis 6x
Veratrum Album 6x
Aloe 6x
Arsenicum Album 6x
Podophyllum Peltatum 6x
Croton Tiglium 6xDosge:
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 35 (Dyspepsia) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
Much flatulent colic, better binding double. Tympanitic abdomen, Tender, Cold, Vomiting of undigested food, Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested. Dyspepsia, also called indigestion, maybe a term that describes discomfort or pain within the higher abdomen. it’s not a disease. The term refers to a group of symptoms that usually include bloating, discomfort, nausea, and burp. within the majority of cases, indigestion is linked to eating or drinking
Cinchona Officinalis Q (China Off.)
Nux Vomica Q
Pulsatilla Q
Lycopodium 6x
Carbo Vegetabilis 6xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily after meal.
REPL Dr. Advice No 36 (Dipressin) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Changeable mood, sad, mental derangements, Confusion, Forgetful, Fears loos of reason.
Ignatia Amara 6x
Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) Q
Calcarea Carbonia 30x
Aurum Metallicum 6x
Sulphur 6xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4thcup water 4 times daily for 1 month.
REPL Dr. Advice No 38 (Diarrohea In Children) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
Cholera infantum, much acidity frequent green watery, acid stools, Lead to this remady most frequently in desease in children, during dentition, summer Complaint, when, with the diarrhea.
Cuphea Viscosissima Q
Rhenum 6x
Magnesia Carbonica 6x
Podophyllinum 6xDosge:
2-5 Drops with 1 spoon water 4-5 times daily in chronic condition 6-7 times daily.
REPL Dr. Advice No 39 (Enurisis) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
Involuntary during first sleep at night also from slightest exeitement. Offensive cannot get out of bed quick enough during first slap. Dreams of urinating. Enuresis in the first part of night.
Belladonna 6x
Benzoicum Acidum Resina 6x
Causticum 6x
Kreosotum 6xDosge:
10 Drops with 1/4th cup water every 3 hours.
REPL Dr. Advice No 4 (Adenoids) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
A related condition of the system generally and a proneness to take cold on erposune to cold winds, Adenoids, throat deafness, enlarged tonsils with tendency to free discharge from mucous membraness.
Baryta Carbnica 6x
Baryta Lodata 6x
Calcarea Carbonica 6x
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Agraphis Nutans QDosage:
5-10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.
REPL Dr. Advice No 40 (Eczema) (30ml)
₹154.00Original price was: ₹154.00.₹145.00Current price is: ₹145.00.Indication:
Hasa particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders, skin rough persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema. Eruptions, oozing out a sticky exudating, Unhealthy skin.
Berberis Aquifolium Q
Graphites 6x
Bovista 6x
Mercurius Solubilis 6x
Hydrastis Canadensis Q
Baryta Carbonica 6x
Echinecea Angustifolia Q
Croton Tiglium 6xDosge:
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.
REPL Dr. Advice No 41 (Sterlin -F) (30ml)
₹170.00Original price was: ₹170.00.₹160.00Current price is: ₹160.00.Indication:
It is pre-eminently a female remedy. Frigidity of females, Abhorrence of sexual intercourse. Remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs. And on female sterility.
Sepia 6x
Pulsatilla Q
Pulsatilla 30x
Baryta Carbonica 6x
Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 6x
Aletris Farinosa Q
Platina 6x
Onosmodium 30xDosge:
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4-5 times daily.