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  • A Pills (10gm) Original price was: ₹90.00.Current price is: ₹85.00.

    A Pills

    For bed wetting and for Managing enuresis and dysuria in children, has been found to be useful for nervous and irritable children.

    Directions For Use:
    Take A Pills as directed by the physician.

  • Adel 24 Drops Septonsil (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹272.00.

    Adel 24 Drops Septonsil

    For relief of sore throat, parotid gland infections, inflamed tonsils and swallowing difficulty
    ADEL-24(SEPTONSIL) drops are an antibacterial medication developed for treatment of acute and chronic sore throat, tonsillitis and infections of the throat involving pus that make it difficult to swallow. This medication also helps reduce fever that may accompany these infections. As an analgesic, ADEL 24 drops contain effective lymphatic medications to break up foci and ensure speedy drainage of accumulated toxins. In addition, this remedy stimulates leukocyte production and other defensive responses of the mesenchyme and promotes more efficient excretion of toxic metabolic waste products.


    Ailanthus glandulosa 4x, Barium carbonicum 12x, Belladonna 4x, Clematis recta 4x, Echinacea 6x, Lachesis 12x, Phytolacca americana 4x, Teucrium scorodonia 12x
    Ailanthus glandulosa is indicated for treatment of severe infectious illnesses accompanied by general weakness. It is effective in treating infections of the tonsils, parotid gland and the head area.
    Barium carbonicum addresses reccurring sore throat and accompanying fever, as well as malignant and pus-producing infections of the tonsils and gums. Importantly, it protects the heart from the pathogenic effects of an intoxification stemming from acute or chronic sore throat.
    Belladonna treats sore throat accompanied by extreme redness, fever and severe swelling of the tonsils. In addition, it can help heal painful infections of the head area.
    Lachesis is a reliable medication against all septic conditions of the blood that also protects the entire body against the spread of infection. It has proven itself invaluable in healing chronic sore throat, while also preventing infections of the mucous membranes of the heart (myocarditis) and kidneys (chronic nephritis).
    Phytolacca americana is effective for treating head pain and infections of the tonsils and mucous membranes of the throat. Since this herb helps eliminate infections and toxins that play a substantial role in the development of chronic illnesses, including those of the joints, it also is highly effective in preventing Polyarthritis rheumatica.
    Infections of the throat area require an effective lymphatic medication to ensure fast, efficient drainage of accumulated toxins. Clematis recta provides a stimulating effect that helps the lymphatic system function at full capacity, which enhances local and systemic excretion of toxins and eliminates painful swelling in the lymph nodes
    Echinacea stimulates the body’s immune response and treats bacterial infections, including severe sore throat. In addition, it stimulates leucocyte production and other defensive responses of the Mesenchyme, and promotes more efficient excretion of toxic metabolic waste products via the kidneys and intestines.
    Teucrium scorodonia heals chronic lymphatic system infections, and is even capable of successfully treating malignant tubercular infections of the glands. In addition, it has proven itself extremely valuable in stimulating excretion of toxins produced by acute infections that could eventually lead to chronic illnesses if left untreated.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 83 (Bronchi-Pertu) (150ml) Original price was: ₹430.00.Current price is: ₹420.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 83 (Bronchi-Pertu) (150ml) Indications:

    Expectorant to relieve bronchitis symptoms such as wheezing cough with stabbing chest pain, throat irritation, headaches, shortness of breath and production of mucous. Supports relief from smokers‘ cough symptoms
    ADEL-83(BRONCHI-PERTU) syrup is indicated for bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and other infections of the breathing passageways. It stimulates excretion of toxins that cause symptoms such as a dry cough with stabbing pains and pus, emphysema and headaches. In addition, this medication function as a natural plant antimicrobial without the side effects.

    ADEL-83(BRONCHI-PERTU) syrup also can help patients who suffer from inherited weakness of the local mucous membranes, such as asthmatics and those prone to severe whooping cough. Practitioners must be aware that continuous bronchail infections indicate a serious ongoing intoxification that requires an exact diagnosis and prompt treatment to prevent the eventual development of asthma.


    Bryonia cretica 3x, Dactylopius coccus 2x, Grindelia robusta 8x, Guajacum 3x, Kalium stibyltartaricum 4x, Oenanthe aquatica 4x, Phosphorus 6x, Usnea barbata 12x.

    A strong regulating biological influence against sticking pains and dry had cough is offered by Bryonia cretica (Bryonia), certificated for bonchitis and pneumonia states. All this is connected with difficult breathing. Over this, Bryonia regulates the metabolism work in the gastohepatic region.
    This efficacy is carried on by Dactylopius coccus (Coccus cacti), a leading plant for asthmatic and bronchitis states with suffocating cough, in relationship with inflamed kidney complaints, where carmine acid is an important natural disinfection matter.

    Grindelia robusta works against breathing difficulties such as wheezing and promotes excretion of mucous that burdens the lungs. So the material is certified for chronic asthma and bronchial states with hard mucous catarrhs.

    Guajacum is an old and well known healing material for inflamed and suppurating espiratory organs. This substance also effectively treats acute rheumatism and gout and eliminates old infections to make systemic healing possible.

    Fetid bronchitis states with plenty of dry cough and breathlessness, signs the picture of emphysematic situations, enclosed with the situation of tuberculosis conditions which are rehabilitated by Oenanthe aquatica (Phellandrium) in a certified manner.

    The psychosomatic connection between bronchitis and the frame of mind offers Phosphorus with a wide field of certificated influences. The healing spectrum of this matter longsom rhinitis, laryngitis and asthma in direction to all states of tuberculosis of the lungs. But over this it regulates intestinal processes and emotional exhaustion that may accompany these infections.

    Kalium stibyltartaricum (Tartarus stibiatus = Antimon tartaricum) offers further healing influeces. It regulates derailed metabolism processes. It has good healing power for tough and difficult to remove mucous and a situation of respiratory paresis and cyanotic states.

    In homeopathy we find one indication for Usnea barbata only, the congestive head ache, but you find this symptom in asthmatic – bonchitis states too. But we want to ingrate the natural antibiotic power of the lichen plant too, which is certificated for a dilution of 1:500 000.Over this the material offers some important minerals, as manganum, phosphorus, sulfur etc. which offer powers similar to a homeopathic polychrest.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 1-2 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, infants 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day, in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 150ml sealed bottle.

  • Allens Gripe Mixture (150ml) Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹60.00.

    Allens Gripe Mixture


    Allen’s Gripe Mixture Syrup helps to calms baby’s discomfort caused by colic, infant gas, stomach pain, teething and reflux. It also helps baby’s digestive system adjust to new foods and relieves stomach upset caused by infant teething.



    Magnesium phosphoricum
    Calcarea phosphorica
    Natrum sulphuricum
    Ferrum phosphoricum

    Directions For Use:

    Take Allen’s Gripe Mixture Syrup one or two teaspoonfuls after food thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson Alfavena Malt 200.00320.00

    Complete Homeopathic Health Tonic.
    Helps relive fatigue, sleeplessness, anaemia poor appetite.
    Helpful for underweight undemourished, and during convalescence, pregnancy and loctation.

  • Bakson Aller Aid Tablets 195.00400.00

    Bakson Aller Aid Tablets


    Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes. Sinus congestion (Sinusitis). Fever and body ache due to allergies hay fever. Aller Aid Tablet, a homoeopathic combination, provides relief from hay fever without any side effects. Aller Aid Tablet causes no drowsiness or disturbance in daily routine.
    Recommended in following Disease:
    Associated Symptoms of Respiratory Disorders: Breathing difficult, shortness of breath, breathlessness or dyspnea, wheezing, apnea, heart diseases and lung diseases like COPD, Emphysema, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer
    Fever(Pyrexia), Allergic Rhinitis, Acute Sinusitis, Chronic sinusitis.


    Ferrum phos. 3x
    Natrum mur. 6x
    Kali. sulph. 3x
    Kali. mur. 3x
    Baptisia tinc. 4x
    Bryonia alba 4x
    Causticum 6x,
    Eucalyptus gl. 3x
    Gelsemium semp. 6x
    Sabadilla 6x,
    Eupatorium perf. 3x

    Dosage & Directions:

    1 tablets, 4 times a day.

  • Bakson Astha Aid Tonic 100.00285.00

    Bakson Astha Aid Tonic

    It has a three-fold action as it helps to control cough, dilates bronchi and aids expectoration
    Remedy for the feeling of breathlessness when associated with bronchitis.
    An ideal soother for throats irritated by suffocating & dry paroxysmal, whooping type of cough. With Astha Aid, the resistance of the body improves with decrease in intensity, frequency and duration of attack.

    Composition of Bakson Astha Aid Tonic :

    Blatta orientalis

    Justicia ad.


    Lobelia inf.


    Grindelia rob.

    Magnesium phos. 2x.

    Directions For Use:
    As directed by a physician.

  • Bakson Kof Aid Tablets 195.00400.00

    Bakson Kof Aid Tablets


    BAKSON’S K of Aid Tablet is indicated in the treatment of common cold, tickling cough, chest congestion, allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and productive cough.


    Bryonia alba 3x
    Ipecacuanha 3x
    Antimonium tart. 6x
    Phosphorus 6x
    Droserarotun difolia
    Justicia adhatoda 2x


    1 tablet, 4 times a day.

  • Bakson Kof Aid Tablets Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

    Bakson Kof Aid Tablets

    is indicated in the treatment of common cold, tickling cough, chest congestion, allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and productive cough.

    Dosage of Bakson Kof Aid Tablets:


    1 tablet, 4 times a day for adults and 1 tablet, 2 to 3 times a day for children or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Baksons Kof Aid Syrup 100.00220.00

    Baksons Kof Aid Syrup

    An effective formula which helps Soothes throat & aids expectoration, Helps in dry, spasmodic, allergic, congestive cough of Bronchitis and Asthma, Checks associated symptoms of headache, Rhinitis and fever. For dry, wet, irritating or spasmodic cough of Laryngitis & Bronchitis.

    Composition of Baksons Kof Aid Syrup: Bryonia alba 2x, Ipecacuanha 3x, Antimonium tartaricum 3x, Phosphorus 5x, Drosera rotundifolia Ø, Justicia adhatoda 2x.

    Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours. Children: 1 teaspoon every 3-4 hours. Or as prescribed by the physician. For best results take Kof Aid with luke warm water.

  • Baksons Nasal Aid Spray (10ml) Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹105.00.

    Baksons Nasal Aid Spray

    is an instant acting composition that provides symptomatic relief from nasal congestion. Its direct acting solution acts by constricting the blood vessels in the nasal tissues, reducing swelling and feeling of congestion. It helps relieves from: Nasal discharge-watery, thick, bland or acrid Sneezing, Itching of nose, Loss of smell, Other symptoms associated with Allergic Rhinitis Sinusitis.

    Recommended in following Disease
    Associated Symptoms of ENT Disorders Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids
    Hoarseness / Loss Of Voice, Dysphonia (change in voice) and Aphonia (loss of voice)
    Loss of Smell (Anosmia)
    Sore Throat
    Acute Pharyngitis or throat inflammation
    Swallowing Difficult (Dysphagia)
    Nasal Polyp
    Allergic Rhinitis

    Directions / Dosage:
    Adults: 1-2 sprays every 4 hours.
    Children: 1 spray every 6 hours.

    Size: 10ml

  • Bioforce Blooume 15 Fiebrisan Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.

    Bioforce Blooume 15 Fiebrisan Drops Indications:

    For tonsillitis. Mouth and throat infections. One of the Important Indications of each Ingredient is


    Aconitum Napellus 3x
    Belladonna 3x
    Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x
    Ferrum Phosphoricum 9x
    Gelsemium Samp 3x


    Adults: 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times daily.

    Children: Half the adult dose.

  • Bioforce Blooume 2 Asthmasan Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.

    Bioforce Blooume 2 Asthmasan Drops Indication:

    For bronchial asthma, allergic asthma. Cough associated with asthma. Sudden coughing attacks, difficulty in breathing, irritation in throat.


    Adults: 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times daily.

    Children: Half the adult dose. Or as directed by the physician.

  • Bioforce Blooume 37 Tonsisan Tablets (30g) Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹115.00.

    Bioforce Blooume 37 Tonsisan Tablets Indication:

    Tonsilllitis, sore throat, pharyngitis. Tendancy to catch cold and tonsillitis repeatedly


    Baryta Carbonica 12x:
    Belladonna 6x:
    Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x:
    Kali Muriaticum 6x:
    Mercurius lodatus ruber 6x:


    Adults: 2-4 tablets, thrice daily

    Children: half the adult dose. Or as directed by the physician.

  • Dentonic Pills (10gm) Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

    Dentonic Pills

    An efficient formula proved for years together, for all the ailments during dentition like irritability, fever, loose motions. Can be given after completion of six months, for an easy dentition. Also useful for delayed dentition, milk indigestion during dentition.

    Directions For Use:
    Take as directed by the physician.


  • Dr. Bhargava Co-Ex cough syrup Original price was: ₹106.00.Current price is: ₹85.00.

    Dr. Bhargava Co-Ex cough syrup is a result of techniques perfected over 100 years of practice. It is Useful for acute and chronic bronchitis & also removes the heaviness and pain in the chest due to repeated cough. It is most effective for both children & Adults. Start taking Homeopathic medicine today and get best treatment.

    Short-term coughs

    The common causes of short-term cough are:

    • The upper respiratory tract infection that affects the windpipe, throat, or sinuses,
    • Lower respiratory tract infection that affects lungs or lower airways.
    • Allergy-like allergic rhinitis or hay fever
    • A flare of long-term conditions like asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    • inhaled dust or smoke


      ADULT: 1 tablespoonful thrice a day. CHILDREN: 1 teaspoonful thrice a day.

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