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  • Adel 24 Drops Septonsil (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹272.00.

    Adel 24 Drops Septonsil

    For relief of sore throat, parotid gland infections, inflamed tonsils and swallowing difficulty
    ADEL-24(SEPTONSIL) drops are an antibacterial medication developed for treatment of acute and chronic sore throat, tonsillitis and infections of the throat involving pus that make it difficult to swallow. This medication also helps reduce fever that may accompany these infections. As an analgesic, ADEL 24 drops contain effective lymphatic medications to break up foci and ensure speedy drainage of accumulated toxins. In addition, this remedy stimulates leukocyte production and other defensive responses of the mesenchyme and promotes more efficient excretion of toxic metabolic waste products.


    Ailanthus glandulosa 4x, Barium carbonicum 12x, Belladonna 4x, Clematis recta 4x, Echinacea 6x, Lachesis 12x, Phytolacca americana 4x, Teucrium scorodonia 12x
    Ailanthus glandulosa is indicated for treatment of severe infectious illnesses accompanied by general weakness. It is effective in treating infections of the tonsils, parotid gland and the head area.
    Barium carbonicum addresses reccurring sore throat and accompanying fever, as well as malignant and pus-producing infections of the tonsils and gums. Importantly, it protects the heart from the pathogenic effects of an intoxification stemming from acute or chronic sore throat.
    Belladonna treats sore throat accompanied by extreme redness, fever and severe swelling of the tonsils. In addition, it can help heal painful infections of the head area.
    Lachesis is a reliable medication against all septic conditions of the blood that also protects the entire body against the spread of infection. It has proven itself invaluable in healing chronic sore throat, while also preventing infections of the mucous membranes of the heart (myocarditis) and kidneys (chronic nephritis).
    Phytolacca americana is effective for treating head pain and infections of the tonsils and mucous membranes of the throat. Since this herb helps eliminate infections and toxins that play a substantial role in the development of chronic illnesses, including those of the joints, it also is highly effective in preventing Polyarthritis rheumatica.
    Infections of the throat area require an effective lymphatic medication to ensure fast, efficient drainage of accumulated toxins. Clematis recta provides a stimulating effect that helps the lymphatic system function at full capacity, which enhances local and systemic excretion of toxins and eliminates painful swelling in the lymph nodes
    Echinacea stimulates the body’s immune response and treats bacterial infections, including severe sore throat. In addition, it stimulates leucocyte production and other defensive responses of the Mesenchyme, and promotes more efficient excretion of toxic metabolic waste products via the kidneys and intestines.
    Teucrium scorodonia heals chronic lymphatic system infections, and is even capable of successfully treating malignant tubercular infections of the glands. In addition, it has proven itself extremely valuable in stimulating excretion of toxins produced by acute infections that could eventually lead to chronic illnesses if left untreated.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 28 Drops Plevent (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 28 Drops Plevent

    Cholesterol Management Drops

    For increased fat values in blood, high cholesterol and triglycerides and promotion of proper fat metabolism
    Blood tests reveal that many patients have a significant anomaly in their cholesterol-lipid metabolism. These aberrations are the physiological prerequisite for degenerative development in the entire body, leading to illnesses such as arteriosclerosis, concrement burden, rheumatic-inflammatory-degenerative processes, diabetes, precancerous conditions and cancer if intestinal dysfunction is not restored to normal.
    Reversing this degeneration depends to great extent upon a patient’s energy, environment, genetic disposition, attitude and lifestyle. In addition, ADEL 28 (PLEVENT) drops can help return a patient to health by promoting proper fat metabolism and stimulating renal excretion to remove harmful metobolic waste products.


    Cynara scolymus 6x, Equisetum arvense 6x, Leonurus cardiaca 6x, Peumus boldus (Boldo) 6x, Solidago virgaurea 6x, Taraxacum officinale 4x
    Cynara scolymus treats the liver and gallbladder, and eliminates dyspeptic complaints. This substance also lowers the blood fat, normalizes a diabetic metabolism and works as a diuretic to further unburden the body.
    Equisetum arvense primarily stimulates the kidneys as a diuretic and helps increase the excretion of toxins. Its silica content addresses disrupted regulation processes throughout the body that can manifest themselves in the digestive organs, such as diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal tract irregularities.
    Leonurus cardiaca calms the heart and helps regulate cardiac function. It also eliminates functional anomalies by improving digestion.
    Peumus boldus(Boldo) improves the flow of gall by approximately 500 percent, supplying fats with better emulsion energy. It also stimulates diuresis to promote excretion via the urine, which helps reduce the burden to the blood.
    Solidago virgaurea serves as a diuretic to eliminate uric acid. It also improves excretion of excessive protein burden and metabolic waste products, which generally lead to skin eruptions. By treating general hepatorenal syndrome, this substance enables the organs directly and indirectly to address lipid disruption
    Taraxacum officinale enhances liver-kidney function, and has special abilities to address conditions such as gallbladder and kidney stones. This plant is also valua-ble in treating chronic, degenerative and rheumatic illnesses, which helps relieve the body of other fundamental burdens


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Featured-6%Limited
    Adel 39 apo-Sciatica drops for Sciatica
    Adel 39 apo-Sciatica drops for Sciatica (20ml) Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹290.00.

    Adel 39 apo-Sciatica drops for Sciatica


    For pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve from the lower back down to the legs, acute and chronic backache. Also helps in soft tissue inflammation


    Arnica montana 6x, Bryonia cretica 6x, Colchicum autumnale 4x, Solanum dulcamara 4x, Guajacum 6x, Gnaphalium obtusifolium 4x, Lachnanthes tinctoria 4x, Taraxacum officinalis 4x, Rhus toxicodendron 8x.
    The unhindered circulation in congested regions of the body is restored by Arnica montana balancing the blood pressure and inflamed regions and stagnations in it. It also treats rheumatis in different parts of the body and conditions resulting from injuries, overuse and strains.

    Bryonia cretica acts against drawing and tearing pains in the muscles with irritating pains in the muscles combined with an impaired temperature regulation and inflammatory developments in the muscles and extremities in which each movement makes the pains worse, so that the ingredient is an important remedy for gout, rheumatism of the limbs and joints.
    Colchicum autumnale is recognized as an important remedy for dyspeptic irregulations, but it is more used as one of the best active substances for gout and arthritic attacks in the small limbs, tenosynovitis and lumbosacral pains.
    A classical function against sciatica and low back pains is Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Tearing and drawing pains in the arms, legs and calves can be felt.
    Guajacum in reference to displaced infections shows gouty – inflamed rheumatic processes in all muscles and limbs with burning symptoms in the affected regions, combined with lameness, sticking pains and tendon shortenings..
    Lachnanthes tinctoria in its remedy picture shows neuralgic-rheumatic states with pains, stiffness and cramps in the neck, but it will be found in other regions of the body too, for example in the splint bones and feet.
    Neuralgia and muscle rheumatism can be found in the picture of Solanum dulcamara. Ice cold, paralysed, stiff, sore, bruised and pains are the learned symptoms for the well proven remedy.
    Taraxacum officinale shows indications for sticking rheumatic pains, but it mainly regulates the metabolism of the liver and the eliminating power of the kidneys. It works against different neuralgia including knees and pain in the limbs.
    Rhus toxicodendron is indicated for treatment of sciatica, rheumatic symptoms, including joint and muscle pain, lumbago, brachial neuritis and tendosynovitis.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops,Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 40 Drops Verintex (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹275.00.

    Adel 40 Drops Verintex

    For all forms of warts like juvenile, plantar, senile, “vulgar” warts and warts surrounding nails and corns


    Acidum nitricum Stibium sulfuratum nigrum 8x, Antimon crudum 6x, Causticum Hahnemanni 4x, Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) 4x, Ruta graveolens 4x, Acidum silicium (Silicea) 12x, Delphinium staphisagria (Staphisagria) 6x, Thuja occidentalis 12x,
    The mineral acid Acidum nitricum is considered to be a true remedy for sycosis and approaches all infections of the body’s mucous membranes, which can also be in ulcerated form. The chronicity characteristic of the indica-tions treated by the pharmaceutical substance points out that even the nervous system responds to unresolved situations of illness of the respiratory organs, urinary and digestive tracts with an overstrained disposition and physical weakness; a situation which is then accompanied by a weakened immune system. In regard to the skin, the substance’s sphere of influence is roven against itching and stinging warts.

    Chronic eczemas and warts put the spotlight on Causticum Hahnemanni. These also stand in relation to mani-fest metabolic disorders within the entire organism, whereby even these can trigger pronounced skin symptoms.
    Delphinium staphisagria is a remedy that nervous people respond to well. Thereby, the substance also combats damage caused by the gastrointestinal tract, which expresses itself as stomach aches due to irregular intestinal activity and aggravation. These processes display pronounced skin reactions, of which warts in the genital area are of predominant interest here.
    Ruta graveolens clears the area of the more or less hyperkeratotic epidermal wart growths, which have been triggered by a viral infection. Although the remedy is most familiar as an eye medication, it is also quite significant as a cure for bones, periostium, joints, and muscles.
    In pharmacology, Silicea is indicated again for chronic infections and insufficien gastrointestinal functions, which lead to the development of poorly healing sore processes, all types of festering inflammation of the skin, scar-ring, but also wart growth. The substance has a pronounced affinity for chronic processes, which continuously burden the immune system.
    Solanum dulcamara, the great moisture remedy, has an alkaloid spectrum, solamarine, as main active subs-tance. In addition, there are neutral saponins, which have a regulatory effect on the digestive tract. As a result of its effect by increased perspiration, intestinal disorders, and pronounced urinary symptoms (cystitis and cysto-pyelitis), it is indicated for use on the skin against itching and blistering eruptions along with warts on the hands.
    Stibium sulfuratum nigrum (Antimon crudum) also has pronounced dermal indications. In reference to wart growths, these are primarily found situated on the fingers The mineral has an overall broad-based healing impact in all organ areas, so that weaknesses due to swelling in the liver and spleen, along with gouty slagging as a result of manifest digestive disorders, can be cleared up.
    As a pharmaceutical, Thuja acts against – as comprehensive remedy for physical constitution and plant against primarily chronic infection processes – smooth or fissured wart growths on the skin. It thereby joins dulcamara, which also develops its special efficacy with illnesses that re caused by damp chill.
    In combination with the externally used compound that has the same name as the remedy, it has shown itself to be an effective and innocuous specialty that does not harm the skin.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, Infants 5 – 7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 44 Drops Venorbis (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 44 Drops Venorbis INDICATIONS:

    Supportive treatment for venous stasis (restricted blood flow), inflammation and clots, varicose ulcers and cramps in vessels of the leg
    ADEL-44(VENORBIS) drops are very useful homoeopathic complex which treats the diseases of Varicose veins succesfully


    Aesculus hippocastanum 6x, Clematis recta 8x, Collinsonia canadensis 6x, Cuprum aceticum 12x, Lachesis mutus 12x, Melilotus officinalis 12x, Nicotiana tabacum 10x, Sulfur 12x

    Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesculus) is a very well known ingredient for oedema, thrombosis, venous stasis and the resistance of the capillaries along with neuralgic – rheumatic affections.
    Various ulcers are cured by Clematis recta (Clematis), an important healing plant for lymphatic diseases. In this combination it acts against inflammations and swellings, varicose ulcers,inflammation of the mamma, removing pain and congestions.
    Collinsonia canadensis is effective against circulatory problems due to venous engorgement. It relieves restricted blood flo, dropsy from cardiac diseases and removes constipation due to pelvic and portal congestion.
    Cramps in the calf around the soft and involuntary muscle system is solved by Cuprum aceticum in connection with disturbances of the heart conduction and cyanotic states of the skin and extremities. as cuprum has an important influence to the hematopoesis and procreation of enzymes, it is a very useful ingredient of the complex.
    Lachesis mutus (Lachesis) is a leading material in the combination. In the whole body it acts against septic blood poisoning in the venous vessels and saves women‘s bodies from develo-ping uterus cancer, states of weakness, inflammation sensations in the whole bod, restricting feelings of the heart and disturbances in the heart regulation.
    Melilotus officinalis is an important plant to support the circulation system, while it stands against thrombotic states and thrombophlebitis for long times. Over this paraestetic states and formication feelings, restlessness in the arms and legs are reported in the remedy picture of modern pharmacopoeae.
    Nicotiana tabacum (Tabacum) resolves cramps of the vessels and regulates the functioning of the capillaries, connected with feelings of oppression, heart pains, disturbances of the digestive actions, paretic sensations in the extremities and heat dysregulations.
    Sulfur removes toxic materials out of the body. The polycrest shows so much good indications and treats illnesses like hemorrhoids, varicosis, ulcers of the veins, abdominal plethora, chronic liver sicknesses and disturbances of the portal system. liver sicknesses and disturbances of the portal system.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.
    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 48 Drops Itires (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹275.00.

    Adel 48 Drops Itires 

    is Indicated for lymphatic infections, pus-producing infections, mumps, adenoma, mastitis, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm as part of a complex treatment. Boosts immunity to help in cancer treatment (adjuvant)

    ITIRES stimulate and detoxify the entire lymphatic system – a vital part of the immune response – to help speed excretion of toxins during acute and chronic illnesses. Efficient flow of lymph caprevent stagnation and blockages that increase the chance of new infections.
    It is important to point out that the lymphatic vessels n the intestines (the largest excretion organ for waste products and toxins in the body must also be stimulated to avoid a reintoxification via the intestinal walls. Any continuous blockage of the lymphatic system and intoxification of the organs can lead via various stages to exhaustion of the effected cells. To reverse pathogenic processes, homoeopathic therepy attempts to activate exhausted immune defenses and aid the body in excreting the toxic load as quickly as possible. As a result, ADEL 48 drops should be included in every cancer therapy because lymphatic system blockages can eventually lead to connective tissue intoxification
    Pathogenic conditions that require ADEL 48 drops include lymphatic infections and block – ages, swollen glands, acute and chronic infections of the organs and mucous membrances, all pusproduction infections (bronchitis and tonsillitis), mumps, adenoma, mastopathy, benign swelling of the breast glands and neoplasm. ADEL 48 drops also boost the immune system, helps treat cancerous skin growths and function as a diuretic.
    The tonsils, thymus and spleen are also important parts of the lymphatic system and need to be treated with specific medications such as ADEL 24 drops, ADEL 6 drops and ADEL 34 drops.


    Barium carbonicum 8x, Calcium jodatum 6x, Cistus canadensis 6x, Conium maculatum 6x, Echinacea 6x, Galium aparine 8x, Juglans regia 8x, Scrophularia nodosa 6x
    Barium carbonicum is a classic treatment for swollen, hardened lymph nodes, often found on the sides of the neck in children. Adenoma frequently appear in the breasts of women, which all too quickly leads to a surgical response because the hardening of the lymph is considered to be malignant. This ingredient reliably eliminates both acute and chronic lymphatic conditions.
    Cistus canadensis (Helianthemum canadense) effectively treats chronic lymphoma and infectious lymphatic conditions, including adenoma. It also helps resolve chronic infections of the skin and intestines.
    Conium maculatum is a traditional lymphatic medication that stimulates and activates sluggish lymph nodes. It helps prevent hardening of the lymph glands, and is effective in treating depression, prostatitis, prostate hypertrophy and slowing of the metabolism that accompanies aging and chronic illnesses.
    Echinacea functions as a first-class immune stimulant that effectively treats infections and all septic conditions of the blood. It also stimulates the production of leucocytes, a key component of the body’s defensive system in fighting infections. In addition, this well known plant neutralizes the effects of toxins released from infected tissues.
    Galium aparine is indicated for hardening of the lymph nodes. It helps regulate an exhausted metabolism and addresses pathogenic conditions of the bladder, skin and kidneys. This plant has traditionally been used to treat different forms of cancer, including melanoma.
    Juglans regia is classic lymphatic medication that also helps cure liver dysfunction, wet eczema of the skin, herpes and impetigo accompanied by severe itching. It is also helpful in treating congestive headaches that correlate with intestinal dysfunction.
    Calcium jodatum is the ideal choice for treating chronic gland infections and swollen tonsils. It also resolves hardening of the cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, and prevents development of new swollen lymph nodes. In addition, it regulates the connective tissues with iodine.
    Scrophularia nodosa is useful for treating inflamed, infected and swollen lymph nodes. This herb is also indicated for treating eczema of the face, loose teeth, bleeding gums and development of goiter.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 50 Drops Helmin (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 50 Drops Helmin is Indicated – For symptoms associated with parasitic infections including disturbed gut symbiosis, abdominal pain, unexplained hunger pangs, rash and itchiness in anus/rectum.


    Allium cepa 4x, Artemisia abrotanum 4x, Hypericum 8x, Juglans regia 6x, Okoubaka 6x, Ruta 8x, Verbena 8x, Viscum 4x, Glechoma 6x
    In reference to the gastro-intestinal tract, Allium cepa owns choleretic effects which stimulates digestion, helps in abdominal colic with itching and stitching pains in rectum.
    Just as valuable in the complex is Artemisia abrotanum, which in particular shows metabolic complaints accompanied by emaciation in its remedy picture.
    The preparation component Hypericum perforatum has proved itself mainly with regard to neuralgia and dermatosis.
    Juglans regia focuses on liver complaints, accompanied by swollen lymph nodes.
    The West African tree bark remedy Okoubaka aubrevillei opposes the secondary effects of residual alimentary loads of various kinds.
    Already in ancient medicine Ruta graveolens was used as an anthelmintic.
    Due to its influence on digestive organs, Verbena officinali can also be applied for vermifugation. It has a supporting effect to the immune system and irritated mucosal membranes. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory components.
    The task of Glechoma hederacea is to stimulate the overall metabolism.
    Viscum album completes the complex by its efficacy to the gastro-intestinal system


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 51 Drops Psy-Stabil (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 51 Drops Psy-Stabil


    For mental and emotional stress, mood swings, excessive worry, agitation and panicky feeling, school/examination anxiety
    Modern lifestyles often cause mental and emotional stresses that can result in nervous dysfunction, and later somatic illnesses. These disruptions should not be treated solely by sedation, but rather also by the harmonizing therapy provided by ADEL 51 (PSY-stabil) drops, which enable patients to once again function normally in their daily social and job responsibilities


    Acidum phosphoricum 4x, Amanita muscaria 4x, Cinchona pubescens 4x, Strychnos ignatii 4x, Piper methysticum 8x, Schoenocaulon off 6x, Semecarpus anacardium 12x, Avena sativa 12x
    Here, Acidum phosphoricum solves the nervous system overload, coming from mental and emotional strain with the symptoms of being apathetic, getting alarmed, flying thoughts, etc. along with being sleepless at night and sleepy during the day.
    Amanita muscaria (Agaricus) too smoothes down the psychic and motoric irritation. For this we use 4x potency as it regulates the situation, solving mental irritations with headaches, vertigo and convulsions, setting the body free from anxiety.
    Being overstrained is a classical indication of Avena sativa used as a tonic material after overbearing illnesses that may include nervous heart beat, excessive worrying and emotional mood swings.
    Cinchona pubescens (China) acts against powerlessness which strengthens the body in a wholistic manner, besides regulating the work of the thyroid gland and intestinal system.
    Piper methysticum lights up the mood, calms the nerves, works like a tranquillizer in a smooth way to create better efficienc.
    Schoenocaulon off treats anxiety, influences the central nervous system and relieves fear and nervousness, that often result from cardiac arrhythmia, functional disruption of stomach and intestines.
    Semecarpus anacardium shows inability to undertake intellectual work together with irritated moods in its remedy picture, which can be compounded with anxiety about the future, refusal to work, exhaustion and weakness of memory.
    Cheering up and acting against anxiety is the key work Strychnos ignatia, the medicine combats the feeling of sorrow and melancholic states which cannot be regressed, consternations and fears, migraine, disturbance in the digestive system, thus, regulating all symptoms of mental overload.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Teenagers 7 – 10 drops, Infants 5 – Drops
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

  • Adel 57 – Speci-Chol (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 57 – Speci-Chol


    Supportive remedy to strengthen the functioning of digestive organs such as pancreas, liver and gallbladder


    Chionanthus virginicus 6x, Eichornia crassipes 4x, Glechoma hederacea 6x, Hedera helix 12x,Iberis amara 4x, Iris versicolor 6x, Nux moschata 4x, Phosphorus 12x
    Chionanthus virginica, a modern remedy that acts against dys-fermentation of the liver and pancreatic gland, with painful sensations along with bilious headaches similar in character to migraine. Chionanthus also shows good result in post hepatic states including inflammation of the gall bladder.
    Eichhornia crassipes (Eichhornia) increases pancreatic juice, which supports regulation of digestive functions and helps improving the active materials, amylases (carbohydrates), chymotrypsin (splitting proteins) and lipase (fat splitting enzyme).
    Glechoma hederacea is a very important however less noticed healing plant which provides a deep support and antitoxic influences on the organs of metabolism. It shows indications against hemorrhoids and enteritis as a sign of the blood regulation in the venous circulation.
    Hedera helix addresses abnormality of the gall bladder as well as inflammatory processes in stomach, small intestines and pancreas area.
    Iberis amara shows a pronounced feedback efficacy to the heart and digestive organs expressed by the feeling of being full, nauseous and cramp pains, which could lead to functional dysfunction of the heart activity, connected with the desire for deep breathing.
    Iris versicolor is a remedy which regulates the digestive processes well. As part of a complex therapy, hyperacidity with burning symptoms, acute and chronic complaints of the liver, pancreas or gallbladder belong to the regulations of this plant.
    Myristica fragrans (Nux moschata) regulates symptoms of being weak, sleepy, depressed with cramps and pains in the stomach, extreme dryness of mucous membranes and skin, flatulence and dyspepsia
    A very important remedy against a wide range of liver complaints and catarrhs of the stomach and colon is Phosphorus. This wide acting remedy is very important, as it tenders holistic influences and so when ofered as part of a complex therapy, it works against myocarditis, mental exhaustions, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. With this in mind the remedy regulates a wide field of digestive abnormalities with the panceatic gland dysfunction and connected problems of other metabolism organs


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 64 Drops Mundipur (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹268.00.

    Adel 64 Drops Mundipur


    Supportive remedy for symptoms related to excessive accumulation of urea and creatinine in blood
    In addition, MUNDIPUR (ADEL 64) drops provides a mild, long-term form of excretion and toxic elimination that is well-tolerated by even chronic and elderly patients.


    Bryonia cretica 6x, Colchicum autumnale 12x, Natrium carbonicum 4x, Phytolacca Americana 4x, Berberis vulgaris 4x, Cynara scolymus 12x, Harpagophytum procumbens 4x, Ledum palustre 6x.
    Berberis vulgaris promotes excretion of uric acid and cleans toxins from organs especially the liver, kidney and gallbladder. As a supportive treatment, it also protects the body against infection and toxic damage that can cause liver function disruption, diabetes and kidney complaints and addresses severe skin problems that appear due to systemic intoxication.
    Bryonia cretica relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes often accompanied by stabbing pains in the muscle and joint. This substance also stimulates intestinal excretion and treats infections.
    Colchicum autumnale is a classic remedy for gout and rheumatism. It also can help eliminate minor inflammation in the heart muscle, regulate disrupted digestive processes and overcome toxic blockages that can lead to weakness and pain in the limbs when used as part of a complex therapy.
    Cynara scolymuspromotes general excretion and elimination of toxic waste products including uric acid from the tissues, stimulates digestion, and acts as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic.
    Harpogophytum Procumbent addresses cramping, spastic pain and tearing sensations in the large joints and spinal area by helping to improve the metabolism and stimulate elimination of waste products.
    Ledum palustre treats gout deposits, pain in the small joints and general stiffness within the musculoskeletal system. As a supportive treatment, this substance can help dislodge gouty deposits that could lead to inflammation and promotes proper thermo-regulation.
    Natrium carbonicum reduces development of uric acid, supports the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes, breathing tract and digestive organs that could lead to chronic skin conditions. It further addresses infectious processes and prevents damage to the heart when used as part of a complex therapy.
    Phytolacca americana is a quality regulating and healing substance that addresses rheumatic symptoms such as stiffness, neuralgia and muscular spasms.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.
    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 69 Drops Clauparest (20ml) Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹285.00.

    Adel 69 Drops Clauparest


    Beneficial support for arterial and venous circulatory disorders of various causes Circulatory disturbances can caused a wide variety of symptoms that range from numbness, Cramps and tingling sensations to gangrenous processes. ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) drops help eliminate these underlying circulatory disruptions, whether caused by injuries, metabolic anomalies or cramps triggered by psychological or somatic reasons. As a result, this medication allows the body to restore its self-regulation capabilities and function properly again.


    Arnica montana 6x, Carbo vegetabilis 8x, Cuprum aceticum 8x, Mandragora e rad.sicc. 12x, Melilotus officinalis 6x, Nicotiana tabacum 12x, Ruta graveolens 6x, Secale cornutum 12x

    Arnica montana cares for a good microcirculation. It widens the vessels, takes away vertigo, strengthens the body and reduces congestion in arterial and venous vessels along with all the other indications in the picture of arteriosclerosis. It treats venous congestions with blue cyanotic signs which can lead to circulary collapse.

    The next remedy in the complex is Carbo vegetabilis. It is a great medicine for weakness states from loss of vital fluids. It helps in the thermo-egulation and prevents circulatory collapse caused by general venous stasis.

    Cuprum aceticum in homeopathy is well known for solving organ and motoric spasms all over the body, states of being anxious and cold feeling in hands and feet. Cuprum in other combinations will act in the same manner.

    Mandrogera works on the right side of the body. It is preeminently a liver remedy with strong influence on the mind and nerves. Restless excitability, heavy head and dilated blood vessels are some of the symptoms taken care of by it.

    Melilotus officinalis shows a circulatory effect in states of coagulopathy. Here you can find a smooth, but reliable possibility to end paraesthetic states, the danger of thrombotic developments, together with restlessness of the legs.

    Nicotiana tabacum regulates bad states in the whole body. The vessels, the digestive tract, muscular spasm, disturbed heart action and common weakness of the nerves are the field of tabacum. So, it is a very good material for the indication ”burnout Syndrome“.

    Ruta graveolens, the last ingredient of the complex is a specific material for the musculosceletal System with strong feelings of weakness. It resolves venous blockage, thereby eliminating cramps & pain. It also addresses conditions of caused by injuries such as hematoma and swelling.

    Painful internal spasms of the vessels and numbness is the domain of Secale cornutum, caused by endogen toxic states where one can find a change in indication from coldness to burning heat.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)

    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Featured-2%Limited
    Adel Cineraria Martima Eye Drops
    Adel Cineraria Martima Eye Drops Original price was: ₹230.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.

    Cineraria Maritima has been formulated for all eye problems.

    In stock

  • Adel Pekana Adel 10 (Deasth) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 10


    For relief of symptoms of inflammation in respiratory pathway and symptoms due to cardiac asthma, bronchitis and bronchospasm
    ADEL-10(DEASTH) drops are a proven remedy against acute and chronic asthma. ADEL 10 helps in the cases of bronchitis, cardic asthma.


    Ammi visnaga 4x, Aralia racemosa 4x, Cobaltum nitricum 6x, Dactylopius coccus 4x, Eriodictyon californicum 6x, Grindelia robusta 12x, Lactuca virosa 4x, Phosphorus 12x.
    Ammi visnagais a well known plant, used as a bronchial spasmodic function in the orthodox medicine too. The main ingredient is Khellin, but we learned, that the isolated material is less worthful, than the complete plant material. The ingredient has a long antispastic influence on bronchial asthma and other spastic developments.
    Aralia racemosa too is a well tried stuff against asthmatic states and for allergic catarrhs. Cobaltum nitricum acts against asthmatic states, in which mood variations can bring on an attack of asthma together with all normal catarrh indications.
    Dactylopius coccus works on asthmatic states with plenty of secretion, together with strangling coughs. Over this, the material is recognized as a good kidney remedy and supressed infections.so it is worthfull for states of asthma associated with kidney troubles, coming from supressed infections.
    Eriodictyon californicum is a classical drug for asthma, supporting the elimination of mucus with hard pressure in the chest.
    Grindelia robusta is useful in coughing up mucus which is not very easy to throw out in bronchial asthma, chronical bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. Besides it acts against difficulties in breathing.
    The domain of Lactuca virosais an oppressive spastic cough, being so strong, that the person feels precordial anxiety and demands for fresh air. In the main the patient suffers from bronchial asthma.
    Phosphorus stops and cancels degenerative developings. Belonging to the respiratory organs, its indications are chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis of the lungs, rhinitis and degenerative processes in the heart muscle.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 11 (Defaeton) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 11 (Defaeton) (20ml)


    For acute or chronic constipation with or without a recognizable cause
    ADEL-11(DEFAETON) drops regulate proper intestinal function and work as a gentle laxative This remedy helps relieve acute or chronic constipation, spastic colics and nervous indigestion while stimulating proper excretion.


    Boldo 4x, Cynara scolymus 4x, Dioscorea vill. 6x, Frangula 6x, Fumaria off. 4x, Ignatia 12x, Rheum palmatum 12x
    Boldo is a proven liver and digestive stimulant. lt increases the flow of bile from the gallbladder while stimulating the excretion of urea.
    Cynara scolymus is an excellent drainage medication for the gallbladder and liver, and also stimulates protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, it strongly supports digestive and excretion processes.
    Dioscorea villosa treats spasms of the digestive organs, severe colics and intestinal pain, and helps stimulate proper excretion.
    Frangula has been traditionally used as a mild purgative that helps resolve symptoms that accompany constipation, including large intestine weakness, liver blockage, gall/biliary blockage, hemorrhoids and headaches that result from these conditions.
    Fumaria officinalis unblocks the portal vein, stimulates the metabolism and helps reduce pain during purgation.
    Ignatia addresses digestive organ disruptions and nervous indigestion, gastritis combined with a bitter or sour taste, and complaints linked to the creation of anulcer. Aversion to certain foods that develop because of mood changes are also treated by this substance.
    Rheum palmatum acts as a mild purgative without causing any pain. lt also acts as a toner and laxative for intestinal excretion


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 14 (Ferrodona) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For anaemia due to iron deficiency, poor nutrition, excessive bleeding and all other causes resulting in poor stimulation of iron exploitation by the body
    Anemia, or the lack of red blood cells, can result from severe blood loss, iron deficiency, degenerative dysfunction caused by chronic infections, or toxins that enter the bloodstream from acute infectious illnesses. These processes impact the entire energy of the body, which is dependent upon the efficiency and capacity of the erythrocytes. ADEL 14 (FERRODONA) drops provide the body with high quality iron help ensure the blood is supplied with essential minerals and rejuvenate the organs that furnish the body with blood. This preparation is especially important following childbirth, accidents that involve considerable loss of blood and treatment of acute of chronic illnesses.


    Arsenicum album 12x, Ceanothus americanus 5x, Cinchona succirubra 4x, Cobaltum nitricum 6x, Cuprum sulfuricum 6x, Ferrum metallicum 12x, Manganum aceticum 6x Natrium muriaticum 12x.
    Arsenicum album acts on all cells of the organism and shows a wide field of efficacy. So it stops progressive development of weakness and lethargy. It also treats septic infections and chronic catarhh of all mucous membranes thereby improving the quality of blood.
    Ceanothus americanus, is an important liver – spleen remedy. lt regulates th.e quality of the blood and the number of erythrocytes. It works on anemic patients where liver and spleen functioning is faulty.
    Cinchona succirubra helps in profuse weakness and acts together with Ceanothus against swellings of the liver and spleen. The heart action is disbalanced. Anemia occurs due to loss of vital fluids and hypo-functioning of internal organs.
    Cobaltum nitricum is a basic material for blood forming processes. It regulates the activity of all endocrine glands and helps in prevention of anemia.
    Cuprum sulfuricum too is needed for improving the bad state of blood quality. lt is a catalyst for several enzymes in the body, reduces cramps and helps the venous system against congestions.
    Ferrum metallicum is metallic iron which acts chiefly on the blood producing rapid oxidation with rise of temperature. It is the most important component for treatment and prevention of anemia.
    Manganum aceticum is a salt that stimulates the production of red blood corpuscles and works along with iron against anemic states and is a good ingredient for all biological oxidation processes.
    Natrium muriaticum is a deep acting remedy which works on malnourished and emancipated people with disturbed metabolism and weak digestion. It especially works on anemic patients with pale earthy complexion and debility.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 16 (Gastul) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Supportive treatment for acute or chronic gastritis, nervous stomach, nausea, vomiting and spasms. ADEL-16(GASTUL) drops acts against acute chronic gastritis and duodenal complaints with or without ulceration, nausea, vomiting convulsive pains, flatulence and voiding anomalies.


    Bellis perennis 2x, Bryonia cretica 4x, Carbo vegetabilis 8x, Colchicum autumnale 6x, Hydrastis canadensis 8x, Strychnos ignatii 12x, lris versicolor 4x, Potentilla anserina Ø
    Bellis perennis is a very useful material for all kinds of wounds especially in the abdominal cavity. Here it helps treating appendicitis, disturbances of the stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is the first remedy in injuries to the muscles, joints and bones.
    Bryonia cretica acts in all mucous membranes of the body against dryness and inflammations, catarrh of the stomach, appendix and liver pains too, and it also acts against bursting headaches and heavy joint pains.
    Carbo vegetabilis is known as a great material for weakness and exhaustion caused by gastro-intestinal derangement with flatulence, heaviness and fullness in abdomen. Besides it is a very good material for various skin diseases.
    Colchicum autumnale regulates exhaustions caused by gastric inflammation and states of endocarditis or pericarditis. Over this it regulates a hyper-acidity, reduces gout pains and rheumatic states in the muscles and joints.
    Hydrastis canadensis acts on all mucous membranes causing catarrh and inflammation. It improves muscle power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation.
    Strychnos ignatii is especially suited to nervous, sensitive and easily excitable patients. It regulates functional disturbances such as cramps, nervous stomach states, and acts against gastric and duodenal ulcers together with all other symptoms.
    Iris versicolor is a fine remedy against all gastrohepatic diseases. It regulates hyperacidity and hyperemesis gravidarum. It is an important remedy for migraine and other kinds of headache due to intestinal problems.
    The last plant is Potentilla anserina, a wonderful old healing plant for chronic colon diseases. It reduces inflammation and hyper-secretion of stomach and treats ulcerative colitis.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

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