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  • Adel Pekana Adel 23 (Ricura) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For acute or chronic cold, catarrh, paranasal inflammation, blocked nose and defective sense of smell
    ADEL-23(RICURA) drops treat rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This medication stimulates the immune system, acts as a disinfectant and natural antimicrobial, activates the mucous membrances to aid excretion of toxins and prevents nasal infection from spreading to other parts of the heads, such as the ears. In case of chronic sinusitis, ADEL 66 (TOXEX) drops should always be prescribed together with ADEL 23 drops for a minimum of four (4) months to alleviate severe symptoms, such as loss of sense of smell, vision problem and chronic headaches and ensure adequate systemic excretion of released toxins.


    Capsicum annuum 4x, Cinnabaris 12x, Echinacea ang. 4x, Kreosotum 8x, Luffa operculata 4x, Plantago major 12x, Sanicula europaea 6x, Thuja occid. 6x
    Capsicum annuum is a comprehensive anti-inflammatory remedy with the clear indication ”cold with a constipated nose“ or all kinds of coryza.
    A further famous material for sinusitis is Cinnabaris, which treats acute and sub-acute infections of the paranasal sinuses including chronic rhinitis.
    Echinacea ang. is a very useful ingredient, as it stands in a strong manner against all kinds of infections and septic tendencies in the body, by stimulating the body’s systemic immune response.
    Kreosotum reduces catarrhal situations with traumatic states and suppurations of the
    nose. lt shows a considerable disinfection power and acts against acute as well as chronic inflammations.
    Stagnation of secretion in the sinuses are resolved by the modern ingredient Luffaoperculata in acute or chronic cases. It also treats inflammations caused by allergies.
    The holistic performance of Plantago major for ear pains is well known. The anti-neuralgic and natural antibiotic activities protects the ears from a spreading infection.
    An old well reputed healing plant is Sanicula europaea. In the remedy picture, it shows a pronounced activity against sinusitis and over and has been traditionally used to heal wounds as well as help treat tumors and cancerous processes.
    Thuja occidentalis, a homoeopathic polycrest acts against chronic diseases of the head with signs of inflammations of the sinus and pus producing infections of the mucous membranes. It also helps correct a reduced or lost sense of smell.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 25 (Somcupin) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleep and daytime sleepiness.
    When stress or physical strain places extraordinary demands upon the nervous system, many people suffer from disturbance of their natural sleeping rhythm. In younger people, nerve anomalies may arise from factors such as job stress, while unrest in the elderly usually indicates organic illnesses and metabolic disorders. ADEL 25 (SOMCUPIN) drops deal directly with both psychic and physical factors that can lead to sleep disturbances

    Argentum nitricum 4x, Aurum chloratum natr. 4x, Avena sativa 4x, Coffea 12x, Eschscholtzia calif. 6x, Lactuca virosa 6x, Staphisagria 6x, Zincum valerianicum 12x
    Argentum nitricum effects the nervous system and mucous membranes. The strong antibacterial power of silver acts as a highly effective, specific agent against infections and inflammations of the mucous membranes. This substance also addresses moods and emotions that can contribute to sleeplessness.
    Aurum chloratum natr. relieves feelings of melancholy and depression that can inhibit quality sleep and cause the patient to be wide awake during the night. It also helps treat narrow arteries which leads to high blood pressure.
    Avena sativa is the classic calming and sleep agent for patients who suffer from “fear of the future” or the strain of nervous exhaustion and worry. Although this healing plant also offers nutritional value, it more importantly contains the alkaloid Avenin which provides a strong sedative effect.
    Coffea helps overcome sleeplessness caused by excessive use of substances such as coffee, tea and tobacco. It also helps to treat circulatory weakness that can lead to sleeplessness.
    Both Eschscholtzia calif. and Lactuca virosa provide a relaxing sleep effect, while Lactuca also effectively treats disturbed conditions of the respiratory and digestive tract.
    Staphisagria helps balance shattered nerves that result in agitated dreams and the inability to fall asleep after 3:00 am. It also regulates nervous disruptions from loss of fluids, sexual overstimulation, intestinal dysfunction, prostatitis, rheumatic neuralgia and pain caused by cancer
    Zincum valerianicum consists of salt of the trace element zinc and valerian acid from the valerian root. This combination prevents nervous insomnia and motoric unrest, and improves a variety of body functions regulated by zinc.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 27 (Inflamyar) (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 27 (Inflamyar)


    For treatment of muscle tear/strains/pain, bursitis, sports injuries, sprains, inflammation and healing of wounds.
    ADEL-27(INFLAMYAR) drops treats rheumatic, arthritic and inflammatory condition topically to greatly ease pain and bring quick relief to afflicted patients – all without the side-effects of chemical drugs. Other conditions effectively treated by ADEL 27 drops include myalgia, contusion, haematoma, torticollis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis, myogelosis, meniscopathia, neuralgia, lumbago, hip pain (sciatica), bursitis and intercostal neuralgia. In addition to treating chronic conditions effectively, ADEL 27 drops is invaluable for healing traumatic sport injuries, such as sprains, bruises and ligament strain. The ointment of inflamyar (Adel No. 75) is also rubbed on the affected area, it may be advantageous at time to generously apply with bandage or gauze for maximize efficacy.


    Arnica montana 4x, Bellis perennis 4x, Bryonia cretica 4x, Guajacum 6x, Ledum palustre 12x, Ruta graveolens 4x, Rhus toxicodendron 8x, Viscum album 4x
    Arnica montana traditionally has been considered an essential substance for healing wounds since classical times. It is THE regulatory substance in relieving hematoma, and has been used successfully to treat muscle and joint rheumatism and bursitis. This substance also is indicated in cases where the skin or joints are extremely sensitive to touch, and when the veins in the hands are dilated. Cold hands indicate an unequal distribution of blood in the body – as in cases of arthritis and rheumatism – and Arnica is the remedy of choice to treat this condition.
    Bellis perennis is a highly effective substance that stimulates circulation in the capillaries to help improve myalgia-arthritis conditions with accompanying pain. In addition, it helps heal contusions and hematoma resulting from injuries, and improves circulation to speed the healing process.
    Bryonia cretica provides pain relief and promotes healing activity in the muscles, connective tissues, tendons and joints (articular capsule). It addresses tearing and stabbing-type pains, and is indicated in joint and muscle rheumatism. It also helps relieve red, swelling conditions and gout.
    Guajacum helps treat shortened tendons, neuralgia, neuritis, tendonitis, gout and rheumatic pains in all joints. It also is an excellent therapeutic substance for relieving Polyarthritis rheumatica.
    Ledum palustre combats rheumatic pain, stiffness when exposed to cold, numbness when at rest, and gout symptoms such as swollen, inflamed balls of the feet. Local application also addresses lymphatic inflammation
    Rhus toxicodendron is indicated for treatment of rheumatic symptoms, including joint and muscle pain, lumbago, sciatica, brachial neuritis and tendonitis. Suppression of diseases with chemical drugs, including skin conditions, can play a role in the development of chronic symptoms, and this substance addresses any underlying toxic burden.
    Ruta graveolens has a similar effectiveness profile to Arnica. It is specifically indicated for treatment of haematoma, contusions, and numbness of the knee and legs. It improves circulation in the afflicted areas and eliminates venous blockage
    Viscum album is indicated for treatment of rheumatic spasms. This substance acts on blood vessels and treats congestive developments throughout the entire body. It is also indicated for treatment of acute and chronic conditions involving tearing, pulling pain, inflammation and irritation of the nerves, such as torticollis and intervertebral disc damage with anomalies in temperature regulation


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 3 (Apo-Hepat) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Supports treatment of jaundice, general liver diseases and gallbladder problems; also helps in portal congestions
    As the largest gland in the body, the liver serves as a processing factory of unmatched importance It plays a key role in elimination of toxins and metabolic waste products from the blood. ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops treat and detoxify the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, to promote good digestion. This remedy provides a vital stimulus that aids in the excretion of liver toxins, thereby enabling the tissues to regenerate and resume normal function. It also eliminates liver portal blockages that commonly exist in chronically ill patients. In addition, ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops increase kidney and gallbladder secretion, stimulates circulation and improves the lymphatic system.


    Chionanthus virginicus 4x
    Cynara scolymus 4x
    Iberis amara 6x
    Lycopodium clavatum 4x
    Mandragora e rad. sicc. 6x
    Peumus boldus 4x, Phosphorus 10x
    Taraxacum officinalis 12x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Mix 10 to 15 drops in half cup of water and take 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 32 (Opsonat) (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 32 (Opsonat) Indications:

    Supports the treatment of inflammations in various organs (GI tract, respiratory tract, synovial membranes); supports excretion in case of harmed body mucosa and helps in focal infections, rheumatic inflammations and pleurisy as part of a complex treatment
    As a rule, acute or chronic illnesses develop from toxins produced by either clinically-manifested or latent infections, including undiagnosed sinus and dental conditions that cause no obvious symptoms. These infections must be eliminated to restore the body’s mucosa to proper working order. Moreover, treatment of these infection prevents organs from being continuously overwhelmed by toxins and helps restore proper functioning
    ADEL 32 (OPSONAT) drops promote healing of focal infections in various organs and stimulate, regulate and clean the blood. This medication also enhances the immune system’s ability to eliminate pathogens, including those found in therapy-resistant mycotic infections. Once the terrain is cleared of toxic wastes, ADEL 32 drops stimulate the body’s own systemic regulation, making true healing possible.
    In addition, ADEL 32 drops help detoxify the joints and are indicated for reoccurring chronic ulcerations. Most therapies with this medication should also include ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops and ADEL 66 (TOXEX) drops


    Acidum nitricum 6x, Acidum sulfuricum 6x, Bellis perennis 6x, Glechoma hederacea 6x, Gratiola officinalis 6x, Hydrastis canadensis 6x, Lachesis mutus 6x, Sempervivum tectorum 6x.
    Acidum nitricum is effective in treating all infections of the mucous membranes with accompanying bleeding, as well as general weakness, swollen lymph nodes and an impaired nervous system. It also promotes proper regulation of all organs in the body.
    Acidum sulfuricum treats mucosal infections accompanied by bleeding throughout the entire body. It also resolves stomach catarrh and related conditions such as acid anomalies, gastric ulcers, a swollen liver, intestinal ulcers and hemorrhoids. Exhaustion, weakness, trembling, migraines, painful rheumatism and skin diseases all indicate that the body is not capable of excreting correctly and requires homeopathic support.
    Bellis perennis is another herb that effectively treats conditions of the mucous membranes. It is also excellent for healing wounds, injuries, strains, dislocations, hematoma and tumors developed due to injuries. In addition, it helps heal capillary weakness, furuncles, carbuncles and joint rheum atism.
    Glechoma hederacea stimulates the entire metabolism and improves the functioning of excretion pathways. When the body is unable to excrete properly over a long period of time, the organs slowly lose their ability to function properly, leading to cellular damage, liver and spleen disease, faulty blood cell formation and digestive weakness. Glechoma hederacea is an excellent natural medication that prevents these conditions, and is also indicated for burning or bleeding hemorrhoids.
    Gratiola officinalis handles portal vein and pelvic area problems combined with constipation. This herb also helps heal stomach and intestinal catarrh, gastritis, gastroenteritis and disruptions in liver function with cramps and colic.
    Hydrastis canadensis has proven highly reliable for treating chronic catarrh and works deeply to resolve mucosal infections. It also treats pre-cancerous conditions and the accompanying weight loss and lack of energy.
    Lachesis mutus is an excellent all-around medication for treating a wide variety of illnesses including septic blood conditions, hypertonia, thrombophlebitis, embolisms, organic heart disorders, endocarditis, myocarditis, systemic intoxification and viral infections. It also helps heal acute joint rheumatism, hepatitis infection and endocrinal disruptions related to the thyroid gland
    Sempervivum tectorum is effective against erysipelatous affections, herpes zoster, cancerous tumors, warts an d corns


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 33 (Apo-Oedem) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 33 (Apo-Oedem) (20ml) INDICATIONS:

    Supportive treatment for different forms of oedema such as hepatic, kidney, lymphatic or cardiac related that cause swollen ankles and ascites as part of a complex treatment
    ADEL-33(apo-OEDEM) drops are effective for treatment of different forms of edemas, including cardial, hepatic, renal, lymphatic and subcutaneous cell tissue. Conditions that can trigger or accompany the development of edemas include inflammation, deposits, disruptions in circulation and circulatory weakness through coronary insufficiency and reduction in kidney function. ADEL 33 (apo-OEDEM) drops also help relieve swollen ankles due to water retention, abdominal bloating and venous stasis.


    Aesculus hippocastanum 8x, Apocynum cannabinum 8x, Convallaria majalis 8x, Filipendula ulmaria 6x, Helleborus niger 8x, Sambucus nigra 6x, Stigmata maydis 8x, Thuja occidentalis 12x
    The efficacy of this complex starts with the great remedy Aesculus hippocastanum, acting in the whole body against congestions, which retard the normal circulation. The functioning of kidneys is improved reducing the swelling in the hands and feet.
    Apocynum cannabinum strengthens the heart muscle against damage that could lead to hepatogenic and renal edemas.
    Convallaria majalis is an old and well reputed healing plant for nervous heart complaints removing infected – toxic disturbances of the heart muscle, strenghening the power of the organ.
    Filipendula ulmaria is a well known old healing plant, certified for use in different forms of dropsy, besides being a very important remedy against rheumatic processes which can be involved in the situation.
    Helleborus niger treats acute nephritis, which causes dropsical symptoms, congestions in combination with weaknesses of the muscles in general and inflammations of the kidneys
    Dropsical developments in different parts of the body is in the remedy pic ture of Sambucus nigra. It functions as a diuretic and treats nephritis with scanty urine flow.
    A powerful diuretic medicine is Stigmata maydis. It has been used with success in organic heart disease with edema of the lower extremities and scanty urination. It acts against inflammation of the urinary organs and regulates important metabolic activities.
    For all acute or chronic catarrhal states in the body stands Thuja occidentalis. It is not only useful for sycotic constitution with deep chronic inflammation of the urinary system but shows plenty of metabolic regulations, necessary for oedematic states.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 34 (Ailgeno) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 34 (Ailgeno) (20ml) – To improve the spleen efficiency and its detoxification.
    ADEL-34(AILGENO) drops specifically stimulate and detoxify the spleen to eliminate focal infection and old deposits of toxins. This unique medication also helps treat anemia, gastritis, diabetes, eczema, herpes, chronic infections, chronic weakness and cachexia. It stimulates the entire metabolism. The few homoeopathic combined in ADEL 34 treats spleen dysfunction and intoxification, although this organ plays a vital role in immune system response. In fact, some chronic diseases can be extremely difficult to heal unless the spleen is also treated.
    It is notable that ADEL 34 drops stimulate a healing process that can result in an amazing excretion reaction not seen when using allopathic medications such as antibiotics. For example, an old Hepatitis epidemica can be healed. This preparation also can succesfully treat therapy-resistant chronic conditions. For best results, ADEL 34 drops should always be used in conjunction with ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops and ADEL 22 (RENELIX) Drops


    Agaricus muscarius 4x, Arsenicum album 6x, Silybum marianum 15x, Ceanothus americana 4x, Cinchona pubescens 6x, Glechoma hederacea 6x, Grindelia robusta 6x, Natrium muriaticum 12x
    Agaricus muscarius treats stomach-intestinal irritation accompanied by stabbing pain in the spleen. It also is indicated for treatment of epileptic cramps and poor circulation in the extremities. In addition, this medication can help resolve latent tubercular processe s .
    Arsenicum album helps resolve weakness and lack of energy frequently found in patients with latent spleen intoxificatio. It also treats conditions ranging from an enlarged liver and spleen to diabetes, anemia, chronic intestinal tract infections and other severe acute infections.
    Ceanothus americana is primarily used to treat the spleen, especially in cases where anemia and liver damage are present. This substance also enhances the blood’s coagulation abilities and helps treat tumors of the spleen.
    Cinchona pubescens is an important herb for treating illnesses of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps heal an enlarged spleen and plays an important role in restoring the organ’s ability to regulate the blood prope rly.
    Glechoma hederacea stimulates the entire metabolism and is important for patients who suffer from afflictions of the liver and spleen. The unique substances contained in this plant, including essential minerals, make it an excellent addition to spleen therapy.
    Grindelia robusta is a classic spleen preparation that also helps in the treatment of diabetes and can help effectively resolve a wide range of chronic infections including malaria and various types of herpes.
    Natrium muriaticum effects deep changes in nutrition when used generously as a food additive. It also is useful in treating dry mucous membranes and chronic infections that affect the liver and spleen.
    Long considered a highly effective therapy for liver and gallbladder disease, Silybum marianum helps regulate spleen function and is invaluable for restoring the organ back to health. It also aids intestinal excretion of toxins and metabolic waste products.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 36 (Pollon) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 36 (Pollon) (20ml)

    Helps in different functional erection and emission complaints such as feeling of premature old age in young persons due to failing or feeble erection, premature/night-time emissions, emissions during stools or while urinating, emissions without erection and consequences of self-abuse (mastu rbation)
    Sexual awakening in adolescents is fraught with many critical situations. New sensations relating to sexual organs unknown in childhood may prompt the individual to indulge in improper sexual practices, which may squander one’s reserves of nervous energy leading to undesirable consequence in sexual sphere. ADEL 36 (POLLON) drops intervenes to counteract all the bad effects created by sexual aberrations in a most effective manner, as shown by its pharmacology detailed below:


    Acidum phosphoricum 6x, Caladium seguinum 6x, Conium 6x, Nuphar luteum 6x, Pausinystalia 12x, Piper methysticum 8x, Staphysagria 6x
    Acidum phosphoricum is especially useful in nervous weakness resulting from long-continued sexual aberrations. It is the chief remedy for spermatorrhoea and sexual neurasthenia. Its action includes nervousness of the heart as well.
    Caladium seguinum is useful for impotency accompanied by insufficient rection and sexual over excitability.
    Nervous exhaustion is controlled by Conium maculatum also which reduces nightly emissions and controls conditions leading to premature ejaculation.
    Loss of semen through nightly emissions or emissions without erection is taken care by Nuphar lutea. Through its action on the smooth muscles of the blood vessels it arranges for more blood supply to the sexual organ, thereby eliminating the disparity between the sexual desire and corresponding erection.
    Pausinystalia(Yohimbe) is a psycho-active plant. The psycho-active substance Yohimbin contained therein has an aphrodisiac effect on the sexual organs. Yohimbin stimulates the blood circulation in the groin and lowers the blood pressure. On one hand it is supposed to increase the libido, on the other hand it treats impaired erections of organic causes.
    Constant dwelling on sexual thoughts with ruined nerves, combined with self-abuse and spermatorrhoea creates such a confusion of mind and of mood that it compels the individual to again indulge in self-abuse. This results in further weakness, backache and ill-humour. This vicious circle is broken by Staphysagria.
    Piper methysticum changes bad moods resulting from psychic situations and physical weakness and removes all irritations from the sexual sphere, so that the total effect of POLLON is strengthened in a positive manner.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 38 (Apo-Spast) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 38 (Apo-Spast) (20ml)

    For treatment of cramps in arms, legs, and abdomen, twitching, convulsions, stiffness and trembling


    Ammi visnaga 8x, Atropa belladonna 4x, Cuprum aceticum 4x, Hyoscyamus niger 4x, Strychnos ignatii 6x, Potentilla anserina 12x, Secale cornutum 6x, Nicotiana tabacum 8x
    A very modern ingredient of the complex is Ammi visnaga, which acts mainly against asthmatic cramps of the bronchial muscles, but over this, it is reliable for angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonic states, hypertony, colon cramps, and spastic situations produced by urinary stones.
    A complete historic spasmolytic matter for convulsions and cramps in all parts of the body and internal organs is Atropa belladonna, which offers important anti-inflammatory influences, including congestions of the head and state of being restlessness.
    Illnesses that involve cramps are fought well by the remedy Cuprum aceticum. It acts against convulsions, cramps of all muscles of the body, especially calf cramps, colics, and collapses.
    A well-known old healing plant against twitching, convulsions, and spastic developments in the respiratory organs and the digestive ways is Hyoscyamus niger. Over this, it regulates the excitement of the brain compounded by sleeplessness, colic states in the abdomen, and other spasms.

    Nicotiana tabacum is a certificated constringent and vasodilation remedy. Its indications are very good for coronary spasms, angina pectoris, sclerotic processes, and tendency for collapses in combination with mental disturbances. For the internal and intestinal organs or the musculoskeletal system with stiffness and flaccid paralysis states, the matter is well indicated.
    Coming from phytotherapy, Potentilla anserina was introduced into modern homeopathy and is a very use full matter, as it is an omnipotent spasmolytic for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and duodenal cramps and colitis. Further, it acts against dysmenorrhea cramps and pains.
    While cuprum showed disturbances of irregular thermal regulation and cyanotic symptoms, painfull internal spasms of the vessels and numbness is the domain of Secale cornutum, where one finds a change in indication rom coldness to burning heat.
    Trembling, congestion and cramps are the field of Strychnos ignatii in hysteric condition of a person. These are psychosomatic situations after mental strain or long continued grief, and so it very often is used as a single or combination remedy.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals
    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 4 (Apo Rheum) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness in joints, fibrous tissues and muscles; gout, bursitis.
    The term rheumatism is used for a large number of illness conditions manifested in the ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones. ADEL 4 (apo-RHEUM) drops resolve painful, inflammatory sensations caused by soft tissue rheumatism.


    Arnica montana 6x
    Bryonia cretica 6x
    Colchicum autumnale 4x
    Gnaphalium obtusifolium 4x
    Guajacum 6x
    Lachnanthes tinctoria 4x
    Solanum dulcamara 4x
    Taraxacum officinalis 4x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Mix 10 to 15 drops in half cup of water and take 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 49 (Apo-Enterit) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 49 (Apo-Enterit) (20ml) is Indicated – For all types of diarrhoea including nutritional disturbances and infections, abdominal cramps and supports the treatment of chronic forms of colitis.
    ADEL-49(apo-ENTERIT) drops can be prescribed to treat nausea, abdominal cramping and mild case of diarrhea that often arise during the summer due to infections of food poisoning. This medication can also be used to address chronic forms of colitis, such a Crohn’s disease and irritable Bowel Syndrome. ADEL-49 drops also treats a variety of symptoms that may accompany diarrhea such as portal vein stagnation and inflammation of the intestinal tract. ADEL 49 drops also helps to resolve diarrhea by supporting proper circulation in the tissues of the digestive tract digestion and a healthy intestinal mucosa.


    Artemisia abrotanum 4x, Citrullus colocynthis 6x, Cynara scolymus 6x, Podophyllum 6x, Potentilla anserina 4x, Veratrum album 6x, Okoubaka aubrevillei 2x.
    Artemisia abrotanum is a penetrating lymphatic with major effects on the digestive tract where it is effective against colitis with changing appetites, heartburn, colicy abdominal pain and meteorism, diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Moreover, the medicinal plant is also indicated for infection and inflammation of seous membrane s.
    Citrullus colocynthis (Colocynthis) excels by soothing colicy spasms in all hollow organs of the abdomen as well as eliminating pains in the peripheral nerves of the digestive tract. Severe, stabbing intestinal colicy accompanied by runny, even bloody stools soon after meals, improving when doubling up and connected with neuralgic pains are also reliably balanced by this substance.
    Cynara scolymus is an excretory for the end products of digestive processes having gone wrong. It is one of the most suitable liver remedies and with its alkaloid cynarine, the enzyme cynarase supports and promotes digestion, diuresis, lowers blood sugar and, in summary, detoxifies disturbed metabolic pocesses.
    Podophyllum treats the manifestations of acute enteritis and gastro-enteritis where it turns in particular to the chronic-inflamed situation of the duodenum, the liver and bile passages. Another symptom to be observed with such a disease is a burning sensation in the tongue; and most severe spasmodic pains accompanied by a bloated abdomen as well as venous stasis additionally characterize the field of application for this substance.
    The healing complex is concluded by the use of the eminent tannin Potentilla anserina. It enhances the solidification of loosened mucosal tissues and being a comprehensive spasmolytic, it favors the overall performance of the remedy.
    Veratrum album is available as a well-known remedy for gastro-intestinal diseases. It acts as an anti-febrile agent and stabilizes the circulatory system, hence preventing a collapse. It treats diarrhea which is painful, watery, profuse with cold sweat and extreme exha u stion.
    Okoubaka aubrevillei is the powdered bark of a West African tree that has proven itself as a first class detoxification medication. It is used to eat a wide variety of conditions including the flu, phlebitis, toxoplasmosis and many childhood diseases. In addition, the bark has a profound effect upon acute and chronic ailments that afflict travelers to the topics such as seve re diarrhea.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 5 (Apo-Stom) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For nausea, vomiting, digestive disturbances and for relief of symptoms of gastritis and gastroenteritis.
    ADEL-5(apo-STOM) drops detoxify the stomach and intestinal tissues. This medication is indicated for treating symptoms that include over-acidity of the stomach, gastritis, stomach pressure, burning sensations, feeling of fullness and nervous sensation state.


    Antimonium crudum 6x
    Belladonna 4x, Colchicum 6x
    Colocynthis 4x, Millefolium 12x
    Natrium phosphoricum 4x
    Nux vomica 12x
    Robinia pseudoacacia 4x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Mix 10 to 15 drops in half cup of water and take 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 54 (Cangust) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 54 (Cangust) (20ml) Indcations:

    Useful adjuvant for prevention of coronary insufficiency, for follow up support such as anti-thrombotic affect after a heart attack and is a good component for genera l heart health
    Preventative treatment, or follow-up therapy following a heart attack, must complement the glycoside effects, but not interfere with required allopathic drugs. In addition, the therapy should enable the patient to reduce the dosage of prescribed drugs over time. ADEL 54 (CANGUST) drops provide anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic properties that help prevent coronary insufficiency and sclerosis, but do not disrupt therapies. This remedy also prevents hyper-acidification of the heart muscle, making it valuable for prophylaxis of a heart attack


    Aesculus hippocastanum 2x, Arnica montana 4x, Aurum chloratum 6x, Carbo vegetabilis 8x, Lachesis mutus 6x, Prunus laurocerasus 3x, Strophanthus gratus 4x, Nicotiana tabacum 6x.
    Aesculus hippocastanum plays more than one role in the complex. It has anti-infammatory, angioedema and antithrombotic properties. Further, it has the indication for venous congestions, which mostly appear as hemorrhoids. Aesculus produces a better resistence of the capillaries and supports a better blood flow.
    A specific emedy for circulatory disorders is Arnica montana, which continues the efficacy of the firs ingredient reducing congestion and inflammation tendicies of the vessels, appearing together with arteriosclerotic states.The situation is characterised by irregular pulse, dazed feeling in the head, sticking and pressing heart action.
    Aurum chloratum shows mind diseases in its remedy picture, which are most common in such patients. It is a great remedy for arteriosclerotic hypertension with fear and shortness of breadth. It harmonizes the heart action and regulates the activities of the digestive organs offering a good influence for wholistic treatment.
    Carbo vegetabilis which reduces the overloaded carbon dioxide situation, which makes the circulatory system weak with the danger of a collapse. The remedy also improves the state of gastrocardiac and dyspeptic symptoms working in a holistic manner. A toxic load can lead to symptoms that range from weakness of the heart and cardiac insufficiency to myocadial infarction.
    Lachesis muta helps treat both latent and diagnosable septic conditions in the blood, infections that have not been completely healed and dental infections that burden the body without causing any visible symptoms. It protects the heart from infectious tendencies that can lead to endocarditis and myocarditis, enables the heart to fully use oxygen and improves the efficiency of the blood vessels.
    Nicotiana tabacum is a specific material for spasms of the vessels in cases of cerebral sclerosis and reduces symptoms of a vasovagal syndrome. Within this fall symptoms of heart anxieties and tachycardia, heart pains with radiations in the left arm (angina pectoris ), rhythm disturbances, anomalies of heartbeat, weakness of the nerves and paresthetic feelings. This part of the complex reduces the danger of a collapse too.
    Prunus laurocerasus shows weakness of the heart, due to mitral insufficiency in its remedy picture. Here we find the symptoms extend to the heart muscle in connection with toxic harm to the mitral valve. In this state, symptoms such as heart bleeds with dyspnoea and cyanosis may appear
    Strophantus gratus supports by increasing the coronary blood circulation and systolic action, reducing the pulse. This healing plant is recognized as a very good material for states of myocardial degeneration, decompensation, angina pectoris and over this it regulates the activities of the coronary and colon-vessels, widening the first and narrowing the second. The whole influence of the remedy is to hinder inflammation of the heart muscle, which could lead to a swelling state followed by an ischemia and threaten coronary attack.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 55 (Tinal) (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 55 (Tinal)


    For relief from symptoms of spondylitis especially cervical, numbness, tingling, vertigo, ear noise, nausea and giddiness


    Bryonia 6x, Cimicifuga 4x, Dulcamara 8x, Glechoma 6x, Helleborus 10x, Kalmia 8x, Rhus Tox 8x, Ruta Grav. 10x
    Bryonia works against pain which gets better when resting. Here, the pain in focus is which occurs in the neck or the small of the back and aggravates when moving. It feels like a contraction in the cervical spine.
    Pain in the neck, contraction feeling in the cervical spine and stiffness in the neck area are also the symptoms Cimicifuga works against.
    Feeling battered, stiff in the neck area, racking and tearing are part of the field of application of Dulcamara. The pain is as after long stooping especially aggravated in cold and wet /damp weather somewhat relieved by moving about. Stiffness, numbness and soreness of muscles on exposure to cold especially in the back and the loins..
    Glechoma acts as an anti-inflammatory remedy and stimulates the metabolism.
    Characteristics of Helleborus include a stiff neck, muscular weakness up to paralysis and radiating numbness in the limbs
    Kalmia works against back and neck pain which radiates to the extremities and is aggravated on exertion.
    In contrast to that, Rhus tox works against pain in the lumbo-sacral region which is accompanied by extreme stiffness. Here the pain is due to strain, overlifting and overuse and it is better by motion or lying on something hard and is worse while sitting. Suited for affections of nerves and spinal cord, stiffness of muscles and joints.
    The complex is completed by Ruta. It works against weakness of the joints in a regulating way and opposes the numbing weakness of the limbs. Pain in nape, back, loins, lumbago which is worse in the morning before rising.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.
    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 56 (Habifac) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Helps to strengthen a weak immune system in cases of chronic and recurrent illnesses or infection states.
    Recurrent acute and chronic illnesses due to genetic or “constitutional” influences indicate a continuous toxic burden that the body is unable to eliminate via the normal excretion pathways, including the liver, kidneys and intestines. Combined with infections and infestation from bacterial, mycotic or viral pathogens, this ever-increasing toxic burden impairs and compromises the body’s immune response and eventually causes cellular damage. If the toxic burden and pathogenic milieu is not corrected, the physical, mental and emotional dysfunction that results may lead to genetic damage and become a co-factor in the development of severe of terminal illnesses, such as cancer and immune disorders.


    Acidum formicicum 10x, Acidum nitricum 6x, Baptisia tinctoria 6x, Glechoma hederacea 6x, Graphites 8x, Thuja occidentalis 10x, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria 8x
    Acidum formicicum stimulates the excretion of toxins that lead to development of allergies, including gout-rheumatic processes. It also functions as an anti-inflammatoryand relieves chronic itching.
    Acidum nitricum is a mineral acid that treats infections and inflammation of all mucous membranes. It addresses nervous system weakness associated with hateful, vengeful, stubborn and agitated behavior. This substance also helps resolve chronic processes from “head to foot,” including headaches, rhinitis, lung TB, gastritis, ulcers, liver problems, nephritis and chronic joint rheumatism.
    Baptisia tinctora increases resistance to chronic or gradually worsening infections that a compromised immune system cannot overcome.
    Glechoma hederacea provides the body with enormous support in the excretion of toxins. A powerful healing plant that receives too little attention, it is effective in relieving diarrhea, hemorrhoids and general inflammation
    Graphites treat chronic diseases of the skin, digestive tract and sexual organs. It also helps resolve chronic rhinitis, stomach inflammation, hemorrhoids, chonic eczema and varicose veins in the legs.
    Thuja occi. has the strongest healing powers for treating psychological and constitutional illnesses. Its also addresses a hereditary lack of vitality which passes on from generation to generation via the genes. It balances the disturbances of heat regulation, neuralgia, catarrhal inflammations, intestinal irritations, itching and burning skin sensations and rheumatic states.
    Vincetoxicum hirundinaria fights viral infections, including their acute, fever-inducing relapse phases associated with the creation of foci that appear in a wide range of rheumatic conditions. An antiinfectious substance, it also treats infections and pathogens present in chronic illnesses.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 6 (Apo-Strum) (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹272.00.

    Adel Pekana Adel 6 (Apo-Strum)


    Supports the treatment of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism; enlarged and dysfunctional thyroid gland.
    ADEL-6(apo-STRUM) drops are indicated for treatment of thyroid dysfunction, including hardening or enlargement of the thyroid gland. This remedy also helps treat tachycardia, Grave’ disease, toxic adenoma, parenchymous nodular goiter, hyperthyreosis and cardiac conductivity disorder. It is extremely important to diagnose and treat thyroid problems as this condition may eventually lead to more serious illnesses. Causes of thyroid problems may include environmental intoxification with focus the head area, combined with other stress factors.
    Thyroid gland dysfunction need not always be accompanied by classic tell-tale signs such as goiter or bulging eyes. Due to modern lifestyles, a latent or mixed form of thyroid dysfunction is common and minor swelling or knots may be barely visible. The most common condition is hyper-functioning of the thyroid gland that results from disruption of the sensitive cooperation between hormones and cardiac conductivity. Other factors such as psychological stress can also contribute to thyroid problems.


    Calcium fluoratum 8x
    Conium 12x,
    Crataegus 4x
    Flor de Piedra 4x
    Galium aparine 12x
    Hedera helix 4x
    Magnesium carbonicum 6x
    Spartium scoparium 4x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Mix 10 to 15 drops in half cup of water and take 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

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