Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops (30ml)
Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops
Wheezal WL38 Thyroid Balance Drop: is prescribed for the treatment of hyperthyroidism – a condition which leads to weight management issues, excessive sweating, fatigue and sleep. Hyperthyroidism is caused due to excessive consumption of thyroid hormone or by either over production or under production of thyroid hormones by thyroid glands.
Calc. carb
Baryta. carb
Fucus Ves
10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.
Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops (30ml)
₹175.00Request a Call Back
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Cardiac drops helps to prevent heart problems and helps in Improving functions of the heart.
Dr. Reckeweg R33-Convulsions Drops
Epilepsy and epileptoid attacks, twitching muscles.
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water by way of a prolonged cure.
– Prior to attacks or aHer an attack administer 20 drops every ½ hour for two hours.
– After treatment over a period to three months the dosage may be reduced to 10-15 drops once a day.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R6-Influenza Drops
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R6-Influenza Drops :
Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration. Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism. Acts on the inflamed mucosa of stomach, on the physiology of stomach.
Argentum nitricum
Arsenicum album
Carbo vegetabilis
Nux vomica
Scrophularia nodosa
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– After complete disappearance of the symptoms, in order to prevent relapses and to regularize the neuro-vegetative system, once a day 10-15 drops in some water before the main meal.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle
Dr. Reckeweg R23-Eczema Drops
Acute and chronic eczema, pimples, herpes, rashes, eschar.
Apis mellifica
Rhus Tox
Dosage / Directions:
In the morning and evening 10-15 drops in some water for a longer period of time.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R45-Voice Hoarseness
Hoarseness – as liable to affect singers, actors, teachers and orators. Catarrh in the larynx with sensation as of a wound.
Can be used as an additional preparation in tuberculosis of the larynx and nervous disorders i.e. hysterical ball and as a complementary remedy in influenza.
Argentum nitricum
Arum maculatum
Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni
Dosage / Directions:
-As prolonged cure, 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– In hoarseness and undue stress on the voice frequent doses are recommended: 10-15 drops every 5-10-15 minutes.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R31
Anaemia; lack of appetite, especially among children; often accompanied by swellings. After-effects of acute ailments. All kinds of anaemia frequently induced by the new toxicant effect of the treatment of other illnesses.
Aranea diadema
Arsenum jodatum
Ceanothus americanus
Ferrum chloratum
Dosage / Directions:
General rule: 3 times a day 10-15 drops in a little water before meals. During the first days of treatment, in case of pronounced anaemia, frequent doses, eventually 6-10 times daily 10-15 drops. On noting improvement, reduce the dose to 2-3 times a day. It is important not to stuff children with chocolate, sweets and eggs, as the overwork the liver and reduce appetite.
– Recommended food for children: milk puddings, oats flakes, vegetables and fruit. Meat is viewed as a complementary food whilst pork in any form: bacon, sausages, ham etc. will be avoided.
– This also applies to anaemic adults.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R27-Kidney Stone Drops
Indications: of Dr. Reckeweg R27-Kidney Stone Drops:
Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back, prickings, reddish and glairy urine with epithelial cells and amor- phous waste matter. Oxalic acid in the urine, gravel.
Acid. nitric
Rubia tinctor
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water. After one weak of treatment it will suffice to take 5-18 drops, 2-3 times daily for a longer period of time
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R32-Excessive Perspiration
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R32:
Undue perspiration (hyperhidrosis of varying genesis). Climacteric flushing, with sweat. Excessive perspiration during acute infectious diseases and fever. Other forms of perspiration (unpleasant smell). Nocturnal perspiration with exhaustion (pre-tuberculous cases). Hot, cold or sticky sweat.
Kalium carbonicum
Salvia officianalis
Sambucus nigra
Dosage / Directions:
As a prolonged cure 3-4 times a day 10-15 drops will be taken in some water. In cases intermittent perspiration (i.e. flushing, nocturnal sweat) frequent, eventually prophylactic doses, e.g. in nocturnal perspiration several doses, at an interval of 1/4 hour, of 10-15 drops.
– If perspiring occurs in the early part of the night the same dosage will hold. One can wash in cold water to which vinegar will possibly have been added, followed by rubbing with a dilution of Hamamelis extract. Also to be recommended are lime baths and treatment with Sauna. To be shunned are toxic agents like synthetic colouring, pork and kindred eatables.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R55- healing Drops
Injuries of all types, fracture, luxation, sprain, concussion of brain, wounds caused by fire-arms or sharp weapons, involving bleeding. May be used as a complementary remedy in feverish infections, sepsis, and in general on account of its stimulating effect on the defensive energy of the organism.
The present remedy also covers excesses in sports, overstrain, as for instance of labourers carrying heavy weights (heart strain), and rheumatism occuring where old injuries have been sustained
Echinacea angustifolia
Rhus toxicodendron
Dosage / Directions:
In acute injuries every 10 minutes 10-15 drops in a little water or undiluted.
– In fracture, take, the first day every 1/4 hour, the second day every ½ hour, the third day every hour, 15 drops. Then 3-6 times daily 10-15 drops, possibly before meals.
– In influenza and cardiac complaints (caused by overstrain) use the present remedy alternatively with other remedies according to the degree of gravity, every ¼ – ½ hour.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R24-Pleura, Intercostal Neuralgia
inflammation of serous membranes accompanied by stinging
pain. Appendicitis, ovaritis, peritonitis, pericarditis, etc., acute arthritis and polyarthritis.
Apis mellifica
Kalium carb
Natrium sulf
Ranunculus bulb
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 4-6 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– When improving, reduce the dose to 3 times daily 10 drops and continue this treatment for a longer period of time until complete recovery.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R46-Arthritis of fore-arms and hands
In rheumatism and gout of fore-arms and hands, with swelling of articulations. In acute cases, benumbedness and swelling of articulations, characteristics in arthritis with deformation. Frequently such pains grow worse with change of weather (humidity).
This remedy may also be used in other rheumatic aches (growing worse in damp weather) such as: sciatica, rheumatism in the knees, shoulders, pains in the sacral region, inflammation of articulations of the haunches, intercostal neuralgia, rheumatism of the occiput.
Ferrum phosphoricum
Lithium carbonicum
Natrium sulfuricum
Nux vomica
Spiraea ulmaria
Dosage / Directions:
Will be adapted according to the acuteness of the pains. In general 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals for a longer period of time (eventually to be alternated with other complementary remedies). In acute cases take 10 drops every ½-1 hours.
– After improvement take 10-15 drops every 2-3 hours (also the other complementary remedies – eventually in the morning, at noon and at night).
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R21-Reconstituant Drops:
Chronic eczema. Skin disease not yielding to conventional therapy. Constitutional improvement in cases associated with skin diseases. To increase reactivity.
Dosage / Directions:
Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals, for a longer period of time.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
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