Wheezal Mixture Cough Syrup
₹110.00 – ₹180.00
Wheezal Mixture Cough Syrup
Helps to reduce a cough with the rattling of mucus in the chest. Reduces violent bouts of a cough. Â Expectorant and helps in evacuating phlegm. Cough associated with pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bronchial asthma.
Bryonia Alb. Q
Ipecac Q
Sambucus N. Q
Senega Q, Justicia Q
Aspidosperma Q
Iodium 3x
Hydrastis Q
Child: 1 teaspoonful 3 to 5 times a day.
Adult: 1 tablespoonful 3 to 5 times a day or as prescribed by the Physician.
Wheezal Mixture Cough Syrup
₹110.00 – ₹180.00Request a Call Back
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Indications of SBL Bio Combination No. 2:
Difficulty in breathing with yellow or greenish sputum, worse in the evening, accompanied by cough or troublesome flatulence. Dyspnoea aggravated by food or exertion
Compostion of SBL Bio Combination No. 2:
Magnesia phosphoricum 3x, Natrum sulphuricum -3x, Natrum muriaticum -3x, Kalium phosphoricum -3x
Dosage / Directions:
Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.
Children : 1 to 2 tablets 4 times a day.
Adel Pekana Adel 10
For relief of symptoms of inflammation in respiratory pathway and symptoms due to cardiac asthma, bronchitis and bronchospasm
ADEL-10(DEASTH) drops are a proven remedy against acute and chronic asthma. ADEL 10 helps in the cases of bronchitis, cardic asthma.
Ammi visnaga 4x, Aralia racemosa 4x, Cobaltum nitricum 6x, Dactylopius coccus 4x, Eriodictyon californicum 6x, Grindelia robusta 12x, Lactuca virosa 4x, Phosphorus 12x.
Ammi visnagais a well known plant, used as a bronchial spasmodic function in the orthodox medicine too. The main ingredient is Khellin, but we learned, that the isolated material is less worthful, than the complete plant material. The ingredient has a long antispastic influence on bronchial asthma and other spastic developments.
Aralia racemosa too is a well tried stuff against asthmatic states and for allergic catarrhs. Cobaltum nitricum acts against asthmatic states, in which mood variations can bring on an attack of asthma together with all normal catarrh indications.
Dactylopius coccus works on asthmatic states with plenty of secretion, together with strangling coughs. Over this, the material is recognized as a good kidney remedy and supressed infections.so it is worthfull for states of asthma associated with kidney troubles, coming from supressed infections.
Eriodictyon californicum is a classical drug for asthma, supporting the elimination of mucus with hard pressure in the chest.
Grindelia robusta is useful in coughing up mucus which is not very easy to throw out in bronchial asthma, chronical bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. Besides it acts against difficulties in breathing.
The domain of Lactuca virosais an oppressive spastic cough, being so strong, that the person feels precordial anxiety and demands for fresh air. In the main the patient suffers from bronchial asthma.
Phosphorus stops and cancels degenerative developings. Belonging to the respiratory organs, its indications are chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis of the lungs, rhinitis and degenerative processes in the heart muscle.
(Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
3 times a day in some liquid before meals.
Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.
SBL Luffa Operculata 30CH Indications:
SBL Luffa Operculata Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy which is useful in treating various health related disorders. Formulated with Luffa Operculata, it is useful in treating respiratory ailments such as spasmodic cough, chronic rhinitis with sinuses etc. It is also useful in case of excessive weight loss. Lassitude with pain in the head can also be cured by its use.
Directions For Use:
Use as directed by the physician.
Removes temporary obstructing to the oxidation of the blood by stimulating respiratory centres, increasing oxidation and exceretion of carbonic acid. An effective remady in many cases of asthma. Cardic asthma.
Ipecacuanha 3x
Aconitum Napellus 6x
Antimonium Tartaricum 6x
Arsenicum Aibum 6x
Natrum Sulphuricum 6x
Aspidosperma Q
Carbo Vegetabailis 30x
5-15 Drops with 1/4th cup warm water 3 times daily. For chronic condition 4-6 times daily.
SBL Ammonium Carbonicum 30CH Indications:
SBL Ammonium Carbonicum Dilution is a stimulant, produces perspiration and is also a cough expectorant. It helps to increase the alkalinity of blood and reduces coagulation tendencies. It is very helpful against nasal catarrh.
Directions For Use:
Consult a doctor before taking the medicine for exact dosage
SBL Desmodium Gangeticum 200CH Indications:
SBL Desmodium Gangeticum can be safely used in Cerebro spinal meningitis and Typhoid fever when the patient feels pain all over the body and there is sleepiness, or comatose sleep, headache is present and there is a feeling as if the head is bound up with a tape or rope. It bears a close resemblance with Gelsemium.
The fever comes on in the morning generally at 7 a.m,there is slight chilliness, lasting for 2 or 3 hours, from the onset burning sensation is felt all over the face and eyes and in the hands and feet.
Directions For Use:
As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.
Dr. Reckeweg R43-Asthma Drops
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R43-Asthma Drops:
Bronchial asthma and spastic bronchitis. Constitutional treatment of bronchial asthma.
Arsenicum album
Kalium phosphoricum
Natrium chloratum
Natrium sulfuricum
Veratrum album
Yerba santa
Dosage / Directions:
– As prolonged cure 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– In periods free of fits the same dose needs only be taken once or twice daily.
– As soon as fits manifest, frequent doses are in order, first every 1/2 hour, then every 1/4 hour or every 5-10 minutes 10-15 drops, preferably in a little warm water to increase the effect.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
SBL Eucalyptus Globulus 30CH Indications:
SBL Eucalyptus Globulus Dilution is effective for diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, dysuria, tumors, typhoid, gonorrhea, gout, and fever. It is useful in multiple disorders like aortitis, Asthma, bronchitis, fistulae, rheumatism, syphilis, tumor and typhoid.
Directions For Use:
As directed by the physician
Bakson Kof Aid Tablets
BAKSON’S K of Aid Tablet is indicated in the treatment of common cold, tickling cough, chest congestion, allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and productive cough.
Bryonia alba 3x
Ipecacuanha 3x
Antimonium tart. 6x
Phosphorus 6x
Droserarotun difolia
Justicia adhatoda 2x
1 tablet, 4 times a day.
Wheezal Astharex Syrup
Wheezal Astharex Syrup treats spasmodic cough, asthma, breathing problems, broncho pneumonia, sneezing, constant constriction in chest, coryza and acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract.
BlattaOrientalis Q
Justicia Ad. Q
Senega Q
Lobelia Inflata Q
Ipecacuanha Q
Grindelia Robusta Q
Mag. Phos. 2x
1 teaspoon 3 to 4 times in a day before meals for children
2 teaspoon 3 to 4 times in a day before meals for adults or as prescribed by the physician.
Nipco Golden drops
Effective for treating bronchial asthma, spastic bronchitis and asthma, provides relief from inflamed, swollen, constricted larynx, pain in larynx and threatened suffocation, treats dry cough with pain in chest and helps in shortness of breath.
​Blatta Ori
Justicia Ad
Aralia R
Yerba Santa
Ocimum. Sanc
Amon Mur
10 -15 drops in half cup of water 2 to 3 times a day, or as directed.
SBL Desmodium Gangeticum 1000CH Indications:
SBL Desmodium Gangeticum can be safely used in Cerebro spinal meningitis and Typhoid fever when the patient feels pain all over the body and there is sleepiness, or comatose sleep, headache is present and there is a feeling as if the head is bound up with a tape or rope. It bears a close resemblance with Gelsemium.
The fever comes on in the morning generally at 7 a.m,there is slight chilliness, lasting for 2 or 3 hours, from the onset burning sensation is felt all over the face and eyes and in the hands and feet.
Directions For Use:
As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.
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