Allen A11 Eczema Drops (30ml)
Allen A11 Eczema Drop is effective for treating herpes, rashes, urticaria, carbuncles with burning sensation, pimples, swelling and boils.
Arsenicum album
8 to 10 drops in half cup of water, daily morning and evening or as directed by the physician.
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Allen A11 Eczema Drops (30ml)
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Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R26::
Stimulates the defensive mechanism of the enfeebled organism. Increased resistance obtained through the effectiveness of the following elements:
Acid. nitric
Acid. phosphor
Calc. jod
Ferrum jod
Dosage / Directions:
– Give the remedy once daily only in addition to other complexes: 10-15 drops in some water.
– Failing a response upon administration of this remedy (R 26) repeat it 2-3 times daily, 10-15 drops, for a few days.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R46-Arthritis of fore-arms and hands
In rheumatism and gout of fore-arms and hands, with swelling of articulations. In acute cases, benumbedness and swelling of articulations, characteristics in arthritis with deformation. Frequently such pains grow worse with change of weather (humidity).
This remedy may also be used in other rheumatic aches (growing worse in damp weather) such as: sciatica, rheumatism in the knees, shoulders, pains in the sacral region, inflammation of articulations of the haunches, intercostal neuralgia, rheumatism of the occiput.
Ferrum phosphoricum
Lithium carbonicum
Natrium sulfuricum
Nux vomica
Spiraea ulmaria
Dosage / Directions:
Will be adapted according to the acuteness of the pains. In general 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals for a longer period of time (eventually to be alternated with other complementary remedies). In acute cases take 10 drops every ½-1 hours.
– After improvement take 10-15 drops every 2-3 hours (also the other complementary remedies – eventually in the morning, at noon and at night).
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R44
Weakness of the conduction and hypotony. Exhaustion of the heart and lassitude ensue.
Dosage / Directions:
– As prolonged cure: 3 times daily 10-15-20 drops in some water before or after meals.
– In acute cases every 1-2 hours 10-15 drops.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R8-Cough Syrup
Organic and functional complaints of liver and gallbladder, hepatopathy, cholecystophathy, calculi, disturbances of the biliary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, premature satiety, lack of appetite, bitter taste in mouth, flatulence, constipation, weariness after meals, irritation, hypochondria.
Carduus marianus
Nux vomica
Dosage / Directions:
Generally 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– If no improvement occurs within 8-14 days take 10-15 drops 4-6 times a day and reduce the dose when improving. Even after complete disappearance of the complaints, take 10-15 drops
– 1-3 times a day for a longer period of time, watching diet rigorously.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R54-Memory Drops
Disturbances in cerebral function, weakness of memory. Faulty spiritual development of school-children, indifference, lassitude exhaustion.
Arsenicum album
Kalium phosphoricum
Dosage / Directions:
Generally 3-4 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– After improvement 2-3 times daily the same dose.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R24-Pleura, Intercostal Neuralgia
inflammation of serous membranes accompanied by stinging
pain. Appendicitis, ovaritis, peritonitis, pericarditis, etc., acute arthritis and polyarthritis.
Apis mellifica
Kalium carb
Natrium sulf
Ranunculus bulb
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 4-6 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– When improving, reduce the dose to 3 times daily 10 drops and continue this treatment for a longer period of time until complete recovery.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R4-Diarrhoea drops:
Acute and chronic gastro-entero-colitis of all types. Summer diarrhoea after a chill or faulty diet. Intestinal catarrh, intestinal influenza, diarrhoea with fever, typhoid fever, dysentery.
Acidum phosphoricum
Chininum arsenicosum
Ferrum phosphoricum
Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus
Rhus toxicodendron
Veratrum album
Dosage / Directions:
– In acute fever, every 1/4 – 1 hour, 20 drops undiluted. When improving, generally after 1-2 days, reduce the dose to 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours. – It is advisable to continue the treatment for about a week at the rate of 10-15 drops, 3 times a day, before meals, until complete recovery.
– In ordinary diarrhoea, without fever, according to graveness 10-15 drops every 1-3 hours.
– In typhoid fever, without intestinal disturbances, 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours.
– In chronic diarrhoea, 3 times a day 10-15 drops before meals.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle
Dr. Reckeweg R6-Influenza Drops
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R6-Influenza Drops :
Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration. Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism. Acts on the inflamed mucosa of stomach, on the physiology of stomach.
Argentum nitricum
Arsenicum album
Carbo vegetabilis
Nux vomica
Scrophularia nodosa
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– After complete disappearance of the symptoms, in order to prevent relapses and to regularize the neuro-vegetative system, once a day 10-15 drops in some water before the main meal.
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle
Dr. Reckeweg R38-Affections of the abdomen-right side
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R38:
Affections of the ovaries, right side, inflammation of the ovaries (right side), adnexitis, salpingitis, parametritis. Cysts and benign tumours of the ovaries, oedema of the larynx, after-effects of stynx and for a beginning of inflammation of the appendix.
Apis mellifica
Arsenicum album
Main symptom
Dosage / Directions:
-As prolonged cure 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals.
– In case of acute inflammation and convulsive pains or colic a more frequent dose is to be administered.
– According to degree of acuity, every 5 minutes, or every 15-30 minutes, 10 drops (possibly in a little warm water). Also to be advised are hot poultices or the application of healing earth. With inflammation of the abdomen on both right and left sides the alternative use of R39 and R38 is indicated at intervals of 1-2 hours. With fever, R1 which will also decrease the inflammation. One is never to lose sight of the fact that such affections are also liable to reaction on the kidneys. And so R27 is also to come of eventual use.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R27-Kidney Stone Drops
Indications: of Dr. Reckeweg R27-Kidney Stone Drops:
Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys, pains across the small of the back, prickings, reddish and glairy urine with epithelial cells and amor- phous waste matter. Oxalic acid in the urine, gravel.
Acid. nitric
Rubia tinctor
Dosage / Directions:
– Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water. After one weak of treatment it will suffice to take 5-18 drops, 2-3 times daily for a longer period of time
Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.
Dr. Reckeweg R36-Nervous Disease
Over-sensitivity in the nervous system of children in respect of happenings due to varying causation; nervous diseases, as well as St. Vitus’dance, are all cases to be treated by detoxicant medication with a mode rate action and a homoeopathic basis like R36.
Magnesium phosphoricum
Zincum valerianicum
Dosage / Directions:
– According to the degree of gravity 2-3 times daily 5-8-10-15 drops in a little water. In acute cases, with frequent fits and continual convulsions, every 1-2 hours, eventually in alternation with the remedies below.
In acute cases of fits the medicine can be taken every five minutes (possibly in alternation) with other products.
– Stimulants of all kinds are to be avoided, especially alcohol and tea.
Packing:22ml sealed bottle.
Cardiac drops helps to prevent heart problems and helps in Improving functions of the heart.
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