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  • Adel Pekana Adel 16 (Gastul) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Supportive treatment for acute or chronic gastritis, nervous stomach, nausea, vomiting and spasms. ADEL-16(GASTUL) drops acts against acute chronic gastritis and duodenal complaints with or without ulceration, nausea, vomiting convulsive pains, flatulence and voiding anomalies.


    Bellis perennis 2x, Bryonia cretica 4x, Carbo vegetabilis 8x, Colchicum autumnale 6x, Hydrastis canadensis 8x, Strychnos ignatii 12x, lris versicolor 4x, Potentilla anserina Ø
    Bellis perennis is a very useful material for all kinds of wounds especially in the abdominal cavity. Here it helps treating appendicitis, disturbances of the stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is the first remedy in injuries to the muscles, joints and bones.
    Bryonia cretica acts in all mucous membranes of the body against dryness and inflammations, catarrh of the stomach, appendix and liver pains too, and it also acts against bursting headaches and heavy joint pains.
    Carbo vegetabilis is known as a great material for weakness and exhaustion caused by gastro-intestinal derangement with flatulence, heaviness and fullness in abdomen. Besides it is a very good material for various skin diseases.
    Colchicum autumnale regulates exhaustions caused by gastric inflammation and states of endocarditis or pericarditis. Over this it regulates a hyper-acidity, reduces gout pains and rheumatic states in the muscles and joints.
    Hydrastis canadensis acts on all mucous membranes causing catarrh and inflammation. It improves muscle power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation.
    Strychnos ignatii is especially suited to nervous, sensitive and easily excitable patients. It regulates functional disturbances such as cramps, nervous stomach states, and acts against gastric and duodenal ulcers together with all other symptoms.
    Iris versicolor is a fine remedy against all gastrohepatic diseases. It regulates hyperacidity and hyperemesis gravidarum. It is an important remedy for migraine and other kinds of headache due to intestinal problems.
    The last plant is Potentilla anserina, a wonderful old healing plant for chronic colon diseases. It reduces inflammation and hyper-secretion of stomach and treats ulcerative colitis.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Bioforce Blooume 12 Digestisan Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹140.00.

    Bioforce Blooume 12 Digestisan Drops Indication:

    An appetite stimulant. Good for Hyper acidity, indigestion and flatulence.


    Artemisa Abrotanum 2x
    Belladonna 6x
    Chionanthus Virginica 6x
    Haronga Madgascar 2x
    Nux Vomica 6x
    Robinia Pseudo 2x


    Adults 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times daily.

    Children: Half the adult dose. Or as directed by the physician.

  • Haslab Digesto Syrup (115ml) Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.


    Indigestion Stomach disorders Sour eructations Flatulence Acidity
    Constipation Burning in chest and stomach Chronic tendency of irregular bowel movements Distension of abdomen even after eating a little food Loss of appetite with apathy to food Loud rumbling belching with acidic water in mouth



    Nux Vomica 1x,
    Cinchonaofficinallis 1x,
    Hydrastis Can 1x,
    Carbo vegetabilis 3x,
    Zingiber Off 1x,
    Natrum Carb 1x,
    Ocimum Sanctum 1x,
    Lycopodium 1x,
    Allium Sativum 1x,
    Mentha Piperita 1x



    1 to 2 tablespoonful after meals twice or thrice daily.

  • SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 1000CH (30ml) Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹125.00.

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 1000CH Indications:

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata Dilution is a powerful homeopathic medicine. The root-bark is anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiperiodic, and tonic. Usually, it is mixed with other medicines in order to give more potency. Leaves of Ptelea Trifoliata are used in the treatment of wounds and are also effective against intestinal wounds.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be directed by the physician. Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication.Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 200CH (30ml) Original price was: ₹115.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 200CH Indications:

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata Dilution is a powerful homeopathic medicine. The root-bark is anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiperiodic, and tonic. Usually, it is mixed with other medicines in order to give more potency. Leaves of Ptelea Trifoliata are used in the treatment of wounds and are also effective against intestinal wounds.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be directed by the physician. Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication.Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 30CH (30ml) Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹85.00.

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata 30CH Indications:

    SBL Ptelea Trifoliata Dilution is a powerful homeopathic medicine. The root-bark is anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiperiodic, and tonic. Usually, it is mixed with other medicines in order to give more potency. Leaves of Ptelea Trifoliata are used in the treatment of wounds and are also effective against intestinal wounds.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be directed by the physician. Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication.Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • Wheezal WL-34 Stomach Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-34 Stomach Drops


    Wheezal WL34 Stomach Drop is an effective treatment for stomach issues. Stomach issues are varied in nature and can either be pain, burning sensation or indigestion as often is case with gastritis. Gastritis is caused due to multiple reasons such as overindulgence in alcohol, over-usage of certain medications or improper diet resulting in abdominal pain and indigestion.



    Anacardium Ori
    Gentiana Lutea
    Carbo veg
    Chelidonium Maj
    Artopinum sulph


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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