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  • Adel 29 Drops Akutur (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 29 Drops Akuturn Indications:

    For acute and chronic urinary tract infections like cystitis or urethritis; also relieves nephritis‘ symptoms and helps in cystopyelitis as part of a complex treatment
    ADEL-29(AKUTUR) drops provide a fast, powerful therapy for acute and chronic urological infections, including cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelonephritis and neuralgia vesicae. As a biological alternative to antibiotics, this remedy usually eliminates even the toughest urinary tract infections within a few days. expecially those prevalent in young girls or women. ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops can also be prescribed for pain that accompanies infections of the urological tract, including kidney discomfort. A therapy that also includes ADEL 66 (TOXEX) drops and ADEL 32 (OPSONAT) drops will achieve best results.
    To flush the urinary tract and aid the healing process, patients should drink plenty of warm fluids such as herbal chamomile tea. Please note: As a rule, acute cystitis is a systemic infection, while chronic cystitis is caused by a compromised or impaired metabolism that accompanies old age or a prostate infection.


    Acidum benzoicum 10x, Acidum nitricum 6x, Clematis recta 8x, Equisetum arvense 6x, Populus tremuloides 6x, Pulsatilla pratensis 12x, Solidago virgaurea 6x, Zingiber officinale 6x
    Acidum benzoicum eliminates kidney irritation, incontinence, urinary tract infection with offensive urine smell and also lowers uric acid levels.
    Acidum nitricum acts against inflammations of all mucous membranes including the urinal tract, with burning and sticking pains, possibly together with ulcerations.
    Clematis recta shows a special relationship to all mucus membranes and its inflammations. Its use is especially pointed out for the urinary system, where it acts against burning and sticking pains. This has been established in various clinical examinations.
    Severe and frequent pains are characteristic of the great healing plants Equisetum arvense and Equisetum hiemale (with natural silicea). Both the plants are certified for use in the field of bad urinary states
    Catarrh of the urinary bladder is the target of Populus tremuloides. It acts against cystitis with mucus and suppurations in a proved manner, in the course of which strangury can be found, too.
    Pulsatilla pratensis is an important plant to treat cystitis and nephritis. Additionally it also eliminates toxins coming from the infection. In this regard the medicine discharges waste material through the skin, mucous tissues and kidneys in an effective manner.
    To support the work of the kidneys and the renal function we use Solidago virgaurea, a well known plant for urinal tract, which also sometimes helps to prevent use of a bladder catheter.
    The special plant for cystitis and nephritis regulates the functions of this region, reducing
    severe pains.
    The last function in the complex is Zingiber officinale, which prevents accumulation up of the urine. The urine seems to be dark, smells bad and the quantity is reduced.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, Infants 5 – 7 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel 61 Drops Supren (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 61 Drops Supren


    For strengthening and regulation of adrenal gland, hormonal imbalances that could cause fatigue, body aches, unexplained weight loss, low blood pressure as part of a complex treatment.
    Adrenal fatigue due to dysfunction fo the adrenal glands is wide-spread in modern society. This condition can have severe implications for the health of the afflicted patient. As a result, it is imperative that adrenal fatigue and resistance be addressed with a natural remedy without any side effects. ADEL 61 (SUPREN) drops detoxifies, strengthens and regulates adrenal glands.


    Acidum arsenicosum 12x, Acidum sulfuricum 8x, Chamaelirium luteum 12x, Hydrastis canadensis 12x, Kreosotum 12x, Lemna minor 12x, Magnesium fluoratum 12x, Acidum silicicum (Silicea) 12x
    Acidum arsenicosum is part of the task force to fight the progressing weakness and weight loss of the body by positively influencing the activities of liver and spleen in a holistic and regulative way which possibly includes diabetes and also counteracts the malignant course of a disease.
    Acidum silicicum aims its efficacy at the connective tissue and its RES share by increasing the opsonic index, the combination of proteins that, among other things, promote the phagocytosis of bacteria, viruses, fungi by their accumulation to exogenous material. Pancreas and spleen directly store silicic acid and so promote the healing processes substantially – even with chronic diseases, prevent fistulation and promote the maturation of pus as a preparation for excretion. This ingredient has also proved to be helpful for diabetic diseases.
    Sulphur in the form of Acidum sulfuricum takes care of the excretion processes as well as of catabolites of the amino acids from the protein metabolism. And here is where the regulations of the liver belong being an essential part of the reticulo-endothelial system and the main organ of the metabolism for negative developments in the gastro-intestinal tract and venous circulation (varicose veins and haemorrhoids) which we can find as delayed recuperation combined with weakness, loss of appetite and sleeping disorders.
    Chamaelirium luteum is predominantly referred to as a women’s drug, related to the dysfunctions of female genitals accompanied by increased protein excretion and painful developments in the small-of-the-back and kidney area. The substance also opposes depressive states leading to exhaustion which often, however, are soothed when being distracted. – This ingredient, too, opposes diabetic developments.
    The deep-effective Canadian turmeric, Hydrastis canadensis, fights old, i.e. chronic diseases of the mucous membrane with the according debility of the overall organism. Here it becomes clear that long lasting chronicities can be a tran-sition to cancerous developments and therefore it is indicated to counteract these chronic processes of an organism in a regulative and not only in a palliative way in any case. The chance of such developments is also part of the remedy picture.
    The phenol mixture Kreosotum influences chonic catarrhs accompanied by acrid, excoriating secretions. Its efficacy reaches all organic systems also including gangrenous developments in diabetes combined with pruritus. The range of efficacy goes from the blepharoconjunctivitis, gingivitis, bronchopulmonary inflammations, formation of gastric ulcers, skin irritations, inflammations of the urogenital organs and menstrual complaints up to changes in the blood quality.
    Mainly related to the head region the duckweed Lemna minor grows exposed to the sun all summer long at the surface of standing waters where it takes up and stores the sun’s vital energy. The basically plain medicinal plant aims at chronic catarrhs of purulent and putrid nature with optimum efficacy.
    Specific for inflammations of all kinds is fluorine, e in combination with magnesium. Magnesium fluoratum has been recognized as a particularly efficient function for auto and pathogenic toxins; hee the magnesium stimulates the serum proteins to allow overcoming bacteria and viruses. Moreover, magnesium is the substance to attack the bacterial flora of focal infections and so essentially supports the efficacy of the complex.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, children 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 22 (Renelix) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Supportive treatment for frequent urination, foul smelling urine, burning sensation, pain in back and sides for kidney and gallstones patients
    ADEL-22(RENELIX) drops support the excretion of concrement (protein concretions, calculi) and toxins deposited in the kidney cells, and helps restore normal kidney function. ADEL 22 drops also help counteract intoxification through aging or illnesses that weaken metabolic processes, which can result in hypertonia, diabetes or precancerous conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism. Finally, this remedy helps regulate toxic blockades in chronically ill patients, which allows systemic healing to take place.
    Homoeopathic drops herbs such as Apis, Berberis and Solidago contained in ADEL 22 drops have a specific affinity for the kidney cells and therefore help stimulate proper function ill patients, which allows systemic healing to take place.


    Acidum benzoicum 6x, Acidum nitricum 6x, Apis mellifica 4x, Berberis vulgaris 6x, Capsella bursa pastoris 4x, Coccus cacti 8x, Colchicum autumnale 4x, Solidago virgaurea 6x
    Acidum benzoicum resolves uric acid diathesis — often accompanied by a strong rheumatic burden — to eliminate conditions that weaken the heart.
    Acidum nitricum treats infections of the mucous membranes and urinary tract. It also regulates the functions of the urological pathways and eliminates symptoms that include frequent urination and foul-smelling urine accompanied by a burning sensation.
    Apis mellifica treats edema and infectious conditions of the joints. It also stimulates and detoxifies the mucous membranes, connective tissues, intestines, serous membranes, bladder and kidneys to facilitate a systemic healing.
    Berberis vulgaris addresses pathogenic conditions of the liver and urological pathways. It supports the excretion of uric acid from the system and reduces liver and pancreas intoxification — the basis of illnesses such as gout and diabetes.
    Capsella bursa pastoris helps treat metabolic insufficiency reflected by the build-up of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. The strong stimulative effect provided by this herb can even make catheter use unnecessary.
    Coccus cacti disinfects and stimulates the kidneys while providing anti-spastic properties. It also helps heal chronic latent infections that reduce kidney efficiency.
    Colchicum autumnale is primarily indicated for the treatment of gout. This herb also fights endocarditis and pericarditis, regulates the gastrointestinal system to stop nausea, vomiting and overacidity and helps heal acute and subacute rheumatic conditions. In addition, eliminating these conditions helps detoxify the body and enables the kidneys to excrete poisons that have accumulated over the years.
    Solidago virgaurea is a classic kidney remedy that effectively treats chronic nephritis and arthritis. It is indicated for treatment of painful urination and urine thick with stones, gravel, protein or blood. The stimulative effect on the kidneys is so great that using a catheter often becomes unnecessary.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, infants 5-7 drops,
    3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adven Stonull Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹110.00.

    Adven Stonull Drops  is useful in the case of urinary tract infection and renal stones, It acts directly on the urinary system and also alleviates inflammation of the urinary system, Relieves burning in urination, renal colic and helps in the expulsion of stone.


    Berberis vul. Q
    Sarsaparilla Q
    Ocimum can. Q
    Solidago Q
    Pareira brava. Q
    Senecio Q


    Adults: 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day.  Children: 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day

  • Featured-9%Limited
    Dr. Reckeweg Berberis Vulgaris Q
    Dr. Reckeweg Berberis Vulgaris Q (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹245.00.

    Dr. Reckeweg Berberis Vulgaris

    Berberis Vulgaris is useful in complaints of Kidney stones, gallbladder stones and liver troubles, spleen affections and pains. It is useful in complaints of lower back pains and joints.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R18-Kidney and Bladder Drops-22ml (Cystophylin) Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Dr. Reckeweg R18-Kidney and Bladder Drops

    Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R18-Kidney and Bladder Drops:

    Inflammation of the kidneys, renal calculi, sharp stinging pains in the kidneys, pains in the sacral region.

    Peritonitis, metritis, piercing pains in the bladder, inflammation of bladder, burning pains when urinating, yellow urine, turbid.


    Equisetum hiemale
    Eupatorium purpurem

    Dosage / Directions:

    In acute cystitis and cysto-pyelitis, 10 drops in some water one hourly to begin with, thereafter two hourly. As soon as improvement sets in administer 10-15 drops in some water 3-4 times a day.

    – In chronic cystitis, cysto-pyelitis and bacteriuria: administer 10-15 drops in some water 2-3 times daily before meals until disappearance of symptoms.

    – In bladder irritation: 10-15 drops in some water once or twice a day.

    Packing:22ml sealed bottle.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R64-Excessive protein in urine Drops (Nephralbin) Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Dr. Reckeweg R64-Excessive protein in urine Drops

    Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R64:

    Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, chronic nephritis, nephrosclerosis.


    Helonias dioica
    Kalium arsenicosum
    Plumbum metallicum

    Dosage / Directions:

    -10-15 drops in water three times daily before meals. In the initial phase of therapy repeat more frequently

    Packing:22ml sealed bottle.

  • SBL Berberis Vulgaris Q 80.00490.00

    SBL Berberis Vulgaris Q

    Berberis Vulgaris is useful in complaints of Kidney and liver troubles, spleen affections and pains, Berberis helps to reduce both constipation and diarrhoea, and a number of symptoms about the anus, Numbness, radiating pains and lancinating pains in the kidney area, back and even in extremities.

  • SBL Drops No 3 Drops – Urinary Track Infection (30ml) Original price was: ₹185.00.Current price is: ₹175.00.

    Indications of SBL Drops No 3 Drops:

    Burning sensation while urination Pain in lower abdomen Frequent & unsatisfactory urination Blood in urine.


    Berberis vulgaris Q

    Sarsaparilla officinalis Q

    Ocimum cannum Q

    Pareira brava Q

    Senecio aureus Q

    Cantharis vesicatoria 3x

    Dosage / Directions:

    15-20 drops in 1/4th cup of water 4 times a day.

    Reduce to 15 drops 3 times a day when better.

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