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  • Nipco Vinca Minor Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Vinca Minor Q Indications:

    Nipco Vinca Minor Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic remedy used for the treatment of disorders mostly related to skin and hair. It is effective in treating skin conditions like acne, pimples and painful lumps on the skin. It is also very useful in treating baldness and restores hair?s natural growth. In infants, it helps in the treatment of Crusta Lactea, a condition that causes itchy scalp and leads to irritation in infants.

    Directions For Use:

    As directed by the physician

  • Nipco Viscum Album Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Viscum Album Q Indications:

    Nipco Viscum Album Mother Tincture is primarily used for treatment of issues such as hypertension, diplopia, severe cold, frequent vertigo, asthmatic conditions, sciatica and related issues. It provides relief from stress and also helps in regulating high blood pressure. Based on homoeopathic composition, it is safe to use and has no side effects.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 10-15 drops of Viscum Album Mother Tincture diluted in half cup of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician

  • Nipco Xanthoxylum Fraxineum Q (30ml) 190.00

    Nipco Xanthoxylum Fraxineum Q Indications:

    Nipco Xanthoxylum Fraxineum Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which acts on the nervous system, salivary glands and mucous membranes. It helps in treatment of partial paralysis and painful haemorrhages. It also helps in promoting sleep and due to exhaustion.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be prescribed by the physician

  • Nipco Yohimbinum Q (30ml) 250.00

    Nipco Yohimbinum Q Indications:

    Nipco Yohimbinum Mother Tincture is a powerful homeopathy medicine. It is prepared by using methods such as maceration and percolation. The Filtration methods and strength of phytochemicals used in the process are the main factors responsible for high-quality. It has properties of aphrodisiac and also helps in treating impotency.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be advised by the physician. Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication. Avoid a strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • Nipco Zingiber Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Zingiber Q Indications:

    Nipco Zingiber Mother Tincture have been used for the treatment of innumerable ailments due to their powerful therapeutic and preventive effects. Ginger is a perfect natural remedy for ailments. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, and anti-emetic properties.

    Directions For Use:

    Read the label carefully before use

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