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  • Wheezal WL-27 Osteorthritis Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-27 Osteorthritis Drops


    Wheezal WL27 Osteorthritis Drop is a supplement used to improve joint health and flexibility. Osteoarthritis is inflammation of joints, that can arise in any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips, lower back, neck, small joints of the fingers and the bases of the thumb and big toe. It is useful in treating bone related issues like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and other joint pains.



    Arnica Mont
    Cimicifuga Rac
    Kalmia Lat
    Ledum Pal
    Hekla. Lava
    Bryonia Alba


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-28 Piles Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-28 Piles Drops


    Wheezal WL28 Piles Drop is a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of piles and lumps. Piles can be an extremely painful and uncomfortable condition. When Piles are swollen, veins are inflamed or ruptured without causing any bleeding either externally or internally and causes anal canal and swelling around the anus. Piles may be caused either due to frequent diarrhoea, chronic constipation or other factors such as pregnancy and old age.



    Aloe Soc.
    Kali. Carb.
    Acid. Nit .
    Hamamelis. Virg
    Aesculus. Hip.
    Nux Vom.
    Blumea Odo.


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-29 Prostatitis Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-29 Prostatitis Drops Indications:

    Wheezal WL29 Prostatitis Drop is an important herbal remedy to provide soothing relief to men suffering from acute pain caused due to burning and frequent micturition in men, commonly known as Urinary Tract Infection. It is very useful in treating frequent urination problems caused due to inflammation and infection of the prostate glands. The inflamed prostate can cause severe pain and needs to be effectively treated.


    Wheezal WL-29 Prostatitis Drops Composition:

    Chimaphila Umbellate
    Bar. Barb.
    Clematis Erecta.
    Puls. Nig.
    Tribulus. Terrestris.
    Sabal serr.
    Conium Mac.
    Pareira Brava
    Thuja Occ.


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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  • Wheezal WL-3 Arteriosclerosis Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-3 Arteriosclerosis Drops


    Wheezal WL03 Arteriosclerosis Drop is prescribed for the treatment of Cerebral Arteriosclerosis. It is caused due to thickening of the arteries in the brain and causes severe headache, facial pain and impaired vision. Wheezal WL03 Arteriosclerosis works by reducing thickness of the arterial walls and relives painful reactions.


    Polygonum Avi 1x
    Baryta Carb.3x
    Vanadium Mat 3x
    Plumbum lod.3x


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-30 Pain Gone Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-30 Pain Gone Drops


    Wheezal WL30 Pain Gone Drop is used for the treatment of Muscular Pains & Arthralgia. It relieves pain the joints, pain in the knee, back, shoulders and neck. There are several reasons for muscular pain – excess physical stress or intense exercise regime, all can contribute to muscle ache and Wheezal WL30 Pain Gone Drop provides relief from such pains.



    Berberis Vulg.
    Aconitum. Napellus.
    Rhododendron Chry.
    Rhus Tox.
    Kalmia Lat.


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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  • Wheezal WL-31 Post Herpetic Neuralgia Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-31 Post Herpetic Neuralgia Drops


    Wheezal WL31 Post Herpetic Neuralgia Drop is useful for the treatment of Post Herpetic Neuralgia and its associated ailments such as itching, burning, tingling and numbness of the areas affected by herpes. Herpes is a blistering skin eruption that can be extremely painful. Also known as Herpes zoster, it is a viral infection that causes painful skin rash with blisters in specific areas.



    Kali. Carb
    Kalmia lat


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-32 Renal Pain Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-32 Renal Pain Drops


    Wheezal WL32 Renal Pain Drop is prescribed for the treatment of Renal Pain caused due to kidney stones. Renal pain can be a distressing situation and it radiates from the backside of the abdomen and reaches up to the loins and thighs. This generally causes painful and burning urination. Wheezal WL32 uses homeopathic formulation that effectively relives pain caused due to renal calculi.



    Berberis vulg
    Aco Nap
    Rubia Tinc


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-33 Skin Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-33 Skin Drops


    Wheezal WL33 Skin Drop is used for the treatment of skin issues. It is highly effective in the treatment of chronic and acute Eczema, prevention of pimple eruption, in cases of herpes, rashes and Psoriasis. It fights infections, allergies and other conditions that cause skin conditions and appearance of pimples.



    Skookum. Chuck


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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  • Wheezal WL-34 Stomach Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-34 Stomach Drops


    Wheezal WL34 Stomach Drop is an effective treatment for stomach issues. Stomach issues are varied in nature and can either be pain, burning sensation or indigestion as often is case with gastritis. Gastritis is caused due to multiple reasons such as overindulgence in alcohol, over-usage of certain medications or improper diet resulting in abdominal pain and indigestion.



    Anacardium Ori
    Gentiana Lutea
    Carbo veg
    Chelidonium Maj
    Artopinum sulph


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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  • Wheezal WL-35 Student’s Headache Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-35 Student’s Headache Drops


    Wheezal WL35 Headache Drop is primarily used to remedy Student’s Computer and Mobile triggered headache. Students who indulge in overuse of laptops or mobile phones often suffer from severe headache and associated issues. Wheezal WL35 provides effective relief from such conditions.


    Epiphegus Virg
    Ruta. G
    Nat. Mur
    Phosphoric Acid


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-36 Sciatica And Slip Disc Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-36 Sciatica And Slip Disc Drops


    Wheezal WL36 Sciatica and Slip Disc Drop is a homeopathic formula for sciatica, paraesthesias and formication in legs. Sciatica refers to the pain originating from irritation compression or inflammation by any course i.e. slip disc hernination, injury etc. of the sciatic nerve. The pain branches from low back to behind the thigh radiating down the knee accompanied by burning sensation, numbness or tingling.



    Aconiete Nap
    Gnaphalium Poly
    Kali Iod
    Mag Phos


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-37 Sinusitis Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-37 Sinusitis Drops


    For Sinus Aches and Catarrh


    Aco. Nap
    Ars. Alb
    Ferrum Phos
    Hydrastis can
    Kali bi
    Kali Iod
    Merc Iod Fla
    Puls Nig


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops


    Wheezal WL38 Thyroid Balance Drop: is prescribed for the treatment of hyperthyroidism – a condition which leads to weight management issues, excessive sweating, fatigue and sleep. Hyperthyroidism is caused due to excessive consumption of thyroid hormone or by either over production or under production of thyroid hormones by thyroid glands.


    Calc. carb
    Baryta. carb
    Fucus Ves


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-39 Tonsillitis Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-39 Tonsillitis Drops


    Wheezal WL39 Tonsillitis Swollen Drop is a homoeopathic remedy with a wide range of uses. It is highly effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions and is used in throat infections. It helps reduces redness and sore throat and treats enlarged tonsils.



    Kali. Per
    Calc carb
    Phytolacca Dec
    Baryta Mur


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL-4 Backache Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-4 Backache Drops Indication:

    Wheezal WL04 Backache Drop is a homoeopathic solution used in maintaining mobility and alleviating pain. The product is extremely useful in curing backache caused due to trauma, infection of joints or even ageing. It is also helpful in getting rid of pain caused primarily by lumbago, arthritis of back, septic arthritis and rheumatic aches.

    Composition of Wheezal WL-4 Backache Drops:

    Berberis. Vulg
    Calcarea Phos
    Nux. Vom
    Rhodo Chry

    Dosage of Wheezal WL-4 Backache Drops:

    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.


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  • Wheezal WL-40 Varicose Veins Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-40 Varicose Veins Drops


    Wheezal WL40 Varicose Veins Drop is a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of varicose veins without causing any adverse side effects. Varicose veins refer to a condition where veins found at the back of the calves or inside the legs swells up or is enlarged causing pain and discomfort. Its appearance is usually dark purple or blue and looks twisted and bulging. It may also cause surface of the skin to become itchy.


    Aesculus Hip
    Calc. Flour
    Carduas Mar
    Hamamelis vir
    Secale Cor
    Acidum flour
    Zincum Met


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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