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  • Adel 43 Drops Cardinorma (20ml) Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹270.00.

    Adel 43 Drops Cardinorma


    For circulatory problems that may cause cardiac insufficiency, angina and other cardiac problems
    ADEL-43(CARDINORMA) drops treat cardiac insuficiency, heart muscle weakness, apoplexy, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, extrasystole, tachycardia, cardiac spasms, and increase O2 utilization. This medication also helps the body treat the underlying cause of heart and circulatory problems without the side effects of allopathic drugs, such as Beta blockers and blood thinning medications, that merely address sysptoms.
    Heart and circulatory problems such as high blood pressure indicate a pathogenic, systemic condition that the body cannot treat successfully by itself. Degenerative conditions weaken the heart muscle and may lead to a host of heart and circulatory system problems, including apoplexy or heart attack. The combined use of ADEL 43 drops directly works to alleviate this condition.


    Arnica montana 4x, Carbo vegetabilis 12x, Crataegus 6x, Kalium carbonicum 6x, Lachesis muta 12x, Nerium oleander 6x, Nicotiana tabacum 6x, Peumus boldus 12x
    Arnica montana (Arnica) stands against congested blood vessels and danger of hypertonic or apoplexia. Along with sensations of praecordial anxiety, dyspeptic situations and spastic stomach pains. It is a good remedy for angina pectoris and cardiac dropsy.
    A very useful function of Carbo vegetabilis is removing the danger of a collapse, especially if it is combined with digestive disturbance. Disintegration and imperfect oxidation is the key note of this remedy.
    Crataegus is an ideal regulating plant for all heart activities without any cumulative effects, and it is a nontoxic plant. It balances the blood flo, expands the blood vessels and helps the activities of other ingredients.
    Kalium removes anxiety of the heart, regulates pulse anomalies, weakness of the heart muscle and circulatory system blockages. A toxic load can lead to symptoms that range from weakness of the heart and cardiac insufficiency to myocadial infarct.
    Lachesis muta helps treat both latent and diagnosable septic conditions in the blood, infectlons that have not been completely healed and dental infections that burden the body without causing any visible symptoms. It protects the heart from infectious tendencies that can lead to endocarditis and myocarditis, enables the heart to fully use oxygen and improves the efficiency of the blood vessels
    Nerium Oleander (Oleander) unfortunately is a not very often noticed healing principle, but it is highly effective for reducing the threat or pressure of chronic heart diseases. It regulates chronic inflammations, meteorism, weak heart actions with sticking pains, beingrestless, insommnia, heart anxiety, irritations in the digestive – and urinary tract, and so on. Consequently it is a very important material for the wholistic influences of the complex
    Nicotiana tabacum (Tabacum) combats circulatory system weakness and complements Oleander in regulating a weak pulse, thereby preventing angina pectoris and pathogenic sclerotic changes. It treats cramps in all regions of the body and hinders the possibility of a collapse.
    Peumus boldus is a more modern healing plant recently being used in homeopathy. It acts as a powerful stimulant for the gall bladder, also functions as a diuretic to relieve congestive heart and circulatory system blockages. It helps all the ingredients to work holistically together.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • B Jain Guatteria Gaumeri drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹345.00.Current price is: ₹290.00.

    BJAIN Gautteria Gaumeri Drop is indicated for treating hyper-cholesterolemia. The drops controls high cholesterol and associated symptoms. Reduces the cholesterol levels. Treats elevated levels of lipids and lipoproteins in the blood. Effective for treating anorexia, abdominal distention.

    15 to 20 drops in half cup of water, three times in a days or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Bakson B4 Heart Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B4 Heart Drops


    Bakson’s B4 Heart Drops is a complete heart care tonic. It helps in various heart conditions such as reducing palpitations, chest pains, difficulty in breathing and rapid pulse rate and other issues are related to complications with the heart health. Heart Drops improves overall cardiovascular functioning and helps in preventing blockage and heart attack.


    Kali carb

    Kalmia lati.





    Cactus grand

    Crataegus ox

    Digitalis pur

    Directions For Use:
    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B4 Heart Drops mixed in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.


  • Bakson B65 Cardiac Efficiency Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B65 Cardiac Efficiency Drops


    Bakson’s B65 Cardiac Efficiency Drop is a homeopathic formulation available in the form of drops. The drops are enriched with natural herbs and herbal tinctures that helps to support heart care and health.


    Iberia amara
    Convallaria maj
    Spartium scop.
    Sumbul mosch


    Take Bakson’s B65 Cardiac Efficiency Drop as directed by the physician
    As directed, one can take 10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.

  • Bakson Card Aid Drops 205.00425.00

    Bakson Card Aid Drops

    is a heart tonic helps to manage Palpitation, Anxiety, Heart Pain, regulate Pulse,& Heart tonic

    A highly efficacious formula to tone up the Heart which checks Angina, Arrhythmia, Hypertrophy of Heart, Cardiac dropsy, Coronary Artery Disease.

    Dosage of Aid Drops:

    20 to 30 drops diluted in water, three times a day.

  • Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinum 3X (20gm) 240.00

    Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinum 3X

    is a specific remedy for gall-stone colic, relieves the distress at once, Liver disorders, has been relieved by Cholesterinum, Insomnia, gall-stone colic, relieves the distress at once, Liver disorders, has been relieved by Cholesterinum.

    Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinum 3X

    Put tablets into mouth and allow them to dissolve under the tongue.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R2-Heart care drops (Aurin) Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R2-Heart care drops:
    Relieves Palpitations, Relieves Anxiety, Pain in Heart, Sleeplessness
    Organic and functional affections of the heart, mainly cardiac neurosis. Nervous perturbations. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, extrasystoles, constrictions, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiencies. Strong pulse, palpitations, excitations, anguish and oppression of the heart, vegetative dystonia.

    Aurum chloratum
    Kalium phosphoricum

    Dosage / Directions:
    – According to graveness, in the beginning 3-6 times a day 10-15 drops in some water.
    – In acute cardiac affections, every ¼ – ½ hour 10-15 drops until improvement sets in.

    Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R3-Heart Care drops (Corvosan). Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R3-Heart Care drops:
    Relieves Palpitations, Relieves Anxiety, Pain in Heart, Sleeplessness
    Heart insufficiencies of a light to medium degree, with a tendency towards oedema. Myocardial weakness in cases of valvular heart diseases. Dilatations. Post-infectious myocardial weakness. Degenerative processes of the myocardium, coronary insufficiencies, cardiac infarction, functional irregularities, myo- and endocarditis, hypotonia.

    Kalium carbonicum

    Dosage / Directions:
    – According to the weakness of the heart, 3 times daily 10-20-30 drops in some water, in the beginning of the treatment even 4-6 times daily.
    – In case of strong tendency towards hydropsy, to be taken undiluted. Improvement should follow after several days only. If not, the dose should be increased, and reduced again after improvement to 20 drops, 3 times a day. Even after complete disappearance of the complaints a treatment of 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day should be continued for a longer period of time. Overdosing presents no danger. In acute weakness of the heart, every 15 to 30 minutes 10-20 drops.

    Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R67-Heart Circulatory Debility Drops Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Dr. Reckeweg R67-Heart Circulatory Debility Drops


    Acute circulatory disturbances, circulatory shock, cardiogenic shock following cardiac failure, circulatory disturbances following infectious diseases and injuries. Chronic circulatory disturbances with tendency to syncope, vertigo and sensation of imbalance.


    Ammonium carbonicum
    Acidum hydrocyanicum
    Carbo vegetabilis
    Crotalus Cascavella

    Dosage / Directions:

    -In acute circulatory shock repeat ¼ to ½ hourly. If necessary give every 5 minutes 10-15 drops with or without water

    – Once improvement commences repeat the remedy less frequently

    – In chronic circulatory disturbances give 10 to 15 drops in water 3 times daily before meals over a variable period of time.

    Packing:22ml sealed bottle.

  • -3%LimitedSold Out
    Madaus (Adel) Diacard (Gold Drops)
    Madaus (Adel) Diacard (Gold Drops) Original price was: ₹575.00.Current price is: ₹560.00.

    Madaus (Adel) Diacard (Gold Drops)


    All symptoms are associated with angina and heart issues, it is note able that heart attack is not necessary to determine angina or heart issues. It can be warning pain as well so do care yourself. Indicated for chest pain or anxiety, perhaps labelled as heaviness, pressing, burning or fullness, pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back associated with chest pain, nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness.


    Cactus grandiflorus 2X
    Crataegus Ø
    Strophantus 4X
    Camphora 2X, Aether
    Sulfuricus 1X
    Aurum. Mur. Natr 4X
    Valeriana Ø

    Dosage / Directions:

    Should symptoms occur suddenly or unexpectedly the patient is to take drops of diacard on a lump of sugar or in a glass of water. Unless otherwise directed by the physician, the maintenance dose is 20-30 drops three or more times daily.

    Out of stock

  • Medisynth Angio Card Gold Plus Drops (30ml) 195.00

    Medisynth Angio Card Gold Plus Drops Indications:

    Medisynth Angio Card Gold Plus Drop tones up and sustains the cardiovascular system in good health. It is useful for various cardiac and aortic complaints.


    Crataegus Oxyacantha

    Cactus Grandiflorus






    Magnesium phosphoricum

    Directions For Use:
    10 to 15 drops in a little water up to 3 times a day for adultsor as directed by the physician

  • Nipco Cardonip drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

    Nipco Cardonip drops  Indications:

    Tones up the heart muscles & regulate blood circulation. It is also useful in organics & Functional affections of the heart, coronary insufficiency, palpitations, dysponea, pre cardinal


    Crataegus Q
    Cactus Q
    Convallaria M Q
    Digitalis Q
    Valeriana Q
    Aur Mur Nat 4X
    Kali Phos 3X
    Mag Phos 3X

    Dosage of Nipco Cardonip drops :
    10 – 20 drops with water 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by a physician.

  • SBL Scalptone Tablets (25gm) Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.


    For Hairfall, Grey hair, Dandruff, Strengthens Roots of Hair. Excessive hair loss, Itching, Irritation and dryness on scalp, Thinning and splitting of hair, Dandruff.


    Acidum fluoricum 3x
    Acidum Phosphoricum 3x
    Natrum muriaticum 3x
    Calcarea phosphoricum 3x
    Badiaga 3x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Adults: 2 Tablets 4-6 times daily.
    Children: Half of the adult’s doses.

  • SBL Tonicard Gold Drops 180.00395.00

    SBL Tonicard Gold Drops Indications:

    Arrhythmia, Palpitation, breathlessness, sinking of heart, weak pulse.


    Cactus grandiflorus Q
    Crataegus oxyacantha Q
    Convallaria majalis Q
    Valeriana officinalis Q
    Strophanthus hispidus Q
    Aurum muriaticum natronatum 3x
    Camphora 2x

    Dosage of SBL Tonicard Gold Drops:

    20-30 drops in 1/4th cup of water, 3 times daily. For acute condition 40 drops.

  • Willmar Schwabe Angioton drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹155.00.Current price is: ₹145.00.
    Willmar Schwabe Angioton drops

    Indicated for vertigo on rising, with precordial pain, palpitation and difficult respiration, Increases the power of contractions of the heart and regulates the pulse, Exerts a beneficial effect on venous stasis and weak and low pulse with cold extremities, Acts as a vaso-motor stimulant and controls low blood pressure.

    Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Angioton® should be taken as follows:

    10-20 drops should be taken 3 times a day before meals.
    Children should be given half of the adult dose.

    Note: For treatment of children, during pregnancy and lactation, and for patients with serious liver or alcohol problems, in particular, please note that this product contains alcohol.

    Side effects: No side effects of Angioton® are known.

    Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Angioton® are known.

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