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  • Fourrts Protein Powder (Sugar Free) (400g) Original price was: ₹520.00.Current price is: ₹495.00.


    Fourrts Dr. Mulder’s Protin Sugar Free is a powerhouse of nutrients with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains Whey Protein which is a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids and low in lactose content. It helps in providing the body with needed energy and strengthening the immune system.


    Whey Protein 40 Gm in every 100 gm
    Vitamin A, D,E, B1, B2, B6, B12, K, and C
    Folic Acid


    2 Scoops twice daily in water of milk.

  • Hapdco B.Ve. Phos Syrup (200ml) 170.00285.00

    Hapdco B.Ve. Phos Syrup Indications:

    Hapdco B.VE. Phos Children Tonic helps in treating various diseases in children and it provides nutrition to bones and glands. It is also effective in liver and bilious problems, anemic people, peevish and flabby children.


    Calcarea carbonica
    Podophyllum peltatum
    Cinchona officinalis
    Calcarea phosphorica


    1 spoon 3 times a day with water or milk or as directed by the physician

  • Haslab Baby Tone Up Syrup (100ml) Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹70.00.


    Poor mental and physical growth.Delayed ossification of the long and cranial bones.Rickets.Osteomalacia.Late denition.Marasmus.Sluggish liver function. Diarrhoea.Vitamins deficiency and worms.
    Stimulates growth, improves appetite, digestion and metabolism.


    Alfalfa 1x,
    Avena Sat 1x,
    Cinchona 1x,
    Hydrastis 1x,
    Andrographis Paniculata 1x,
    Cina 1x,
    Nux Vomica 1x
    Chelidonium 1x,
    Chamomilla 1x,
    Carica Papaya 1x,
    Ferrummet 6x and Leptandra 1x, Kali Phos 3x, Calc Phos 3x, Nat. Phos 3x, Mag Phos 3x, Ferr. Phos 3x,


    Children(Below 5yrs.): 1/2 teaspoonful twice daily in milk.
    Children(above 5yrs.): 1 teaspoonful in fruit juice or water.

  • Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup 150.00270.00

    Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup Indications:

    A Tasty Cough Syrup. Has an Immediate Soothing Effect followed by deeper, sustained Curative Action in all cases of Cough, Difficulty in Breathing, Whooping Cough and Loss or Soreness of Voice and Cough caused due to Pollution and Smoking.


    Blatta orientalis

    Bryonia alba



    Directions For Use:

    Adults: 1-2 teaspoonful up to 3 times a day.

    Children: Half the above dose.

  • Nipco Anacap Pills (25gm) Original price was: ₹90.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.


    Forgetfulness, Weak memory, cannot able to concentrate and recollect fast. Helpful for students in exams, and Improves concentration in adults.


    Anacardium, Baryta Carb, Acid Phos, Kali Phos


    4 to 6 pills 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco CC Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹125.00.

    Nipco CC Drops


    Cold is caused by a virus that affects the upper respiratory tract (primarily the nose). This leads to symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, and sneezing. Patients with a cold are more likely to have general aches/pain and low-grade fever than patients with allergies.  Nasal drainage is usually thick and yellow/green. symptoms of cough/allergies and a cold are similar. These include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and drainage.  Watery, itchy eyes is more common in allergies than with a cold. Patients with allergies can have a cough and sore throat but these are more severe with a cold. Nasal drainage is usually clear and thin. Depending on the environmental substance, these symptoms can last for weeks, months or even all year round.  CC Drops provides relief from all these symptoms like allergies/cough and cold, breathlessness. Builds respiratory health and helps in condition of wheezing.

    Nipco CC Drops Composition:

    Justicia  1x. Bryonia  1x, Eucalyptus 1x, Mentholum 1x,

    Dosage :

    Adults: 15 – 20 Drops to be taken directly or after mixing of equal quantity of  water,  3  times a day, Children half dose or as directed by the Physician.

  • Nipco Dentonip Pills (25gm) Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

    Nipco Dentonip Pills


    For all the ailments during dentition like irritability, fever, loose motions. It is useful in strengthening bones . Also useful for delayed dentition, milk indigestion during dentition. Effectively reduces irritability & resistance of child during the dentition period, Controls Diarrhoea during dentition period of child, Controls fever during dentition period of child.

    Dosage of Nipco Dentonip Pills:

    3 pills to be given 3 to 4 times a day, pills can also be dissolved in a spoon of water or milk for easy assimilation or intake.

  • Nipco Fevonip Tablets (25gm) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.



    It is an excellent antipyretic that fights against pyrexia of all origins, helpful in conditions of Typhoid, Malaria, Influenza with chills, Sweating and body pain.


    ​Arsenic Alb
    Ocimum Sanc
    Eupatorium Perf
    Chinium Ars
    Rhus Tox
    Bryonia Alb
    Ferrum Phos
    Aconite Nap

    4 to 6 tablets 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Golden drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹115.00.

    Nipco Golden drops

    Effective for treating bronchial asthma, spastic bronchitis and asthma, provides relief from inflamed, swollen, constricted larynx, pain in larynx and threatened suffocation, treats dry cough with pain in chest and helps in shortness of breath.


    ​Blatta Ori
    Justicia Ad
    Aralia R
    Yerba Santa
    Ocimum. Sanc
    Amon Mur


    10 -15 drops in half cup of water 2 to 3 times a day, or as directed.

  • Nipco Sinonip drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹110.00.

    Nipco Sinonip drops – Indicated for dry and stuffed sinuses, burning and itching of eyes, cold running nose, headache due to sinusitis, sinusitis, facial pain pus-like nasal discharge and sometimes ear and teeth pain.


    Arsenic Alb, Cinnabaris, Gelsemium, Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Kali Iod, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla, Teuc M V



    Adult 10 -15 drops in 1/4th cup of water three times a day before meals. Or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Tonochild Pediatric Tonic with Alfalfa Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

    Nipco Tonochild Pediatric Tonic with Alfalfa  –

    A tonic for children that Boosts immunity to keep away infections Stimulates appetite and enhances digestion. Specially formulated health tonic for children. It is indicated for convalescence, general weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, stress, tension and sleep disorders. This popular  formula improves digestion, liver function and resistance power in children, it improves memory and mental alertness, physical and mental strength. Helpful in prevention of falling ill frequently.

    Dosage:  Two teaspoons before meals 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.


  • Nipco Tonsionip Tablets (25gm) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

    Nipco Tonsionip Tablets

    is a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis. It helps in relieving common symptoms of Tonsillitis such as cough, sore throat and transitional body temperature. Tonsionip Tablets provides effective relief from pains associated with Tonsils.

    Directions For Use:
    Take 1 Tonsionip Tablets 3-4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Vasaka Cough Syrup Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

    Nipco Vasaka Cough Syrup is a effective cough syrup for all types of cough, i.e. whooping cough, asthmatic cough, smoker’s cough, dry cough, wet cough, allergic cough, baby cough, cough for kids & children. Without any side effects its provide immediate relief from acute and chronic bronchitis & also removes the heaviness and pain in the chest due to repeated cough.


    Dosage: Take the 1 tablespoonful three times a day. The cough syrup for Kids can be taken one teaspoonful for three times in a day.  It is not habit-forming and don’t have any contraindications. You can take this cough syrup based on the duration and severity of symptoms and how the body is reacting to the medicine.

  • SaleLimitedSold Out
    RP Ashwas Cough Syrup
    RP Ashwas Cough Syrup 150.00240.00

    RP Ashwas Cough Syrup

    is Effective for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract, Acts on dry coughs, irritation in the throat and coughs associated with bronchitis, and laryngitis, removes phlegm and relieves difficulty in swallowing.


    • Adults: One tablespoon  3-5 times a day
    • Children: One tablespoon 3-5 times a day or as directed by the physician

    Out of stock

  • SBL Alfalfa Tonic (Paediatric) (115ml) Original price was: ₹130.00.Current price is: ₹125.00.


    for anxiety states
    For students engaged in competitive pursuits e.g. examinations and thus mentally stressed.
    Children with general debility, weakness, emaciation, loss of appetite, poor stunted or retarded growth.
    Sleeplessness, tiredness from worry, tension and overwork.
    In recovery stages of fever, following viral illness or following weakness in acute or chronic diarrhoea.
    As a promoter of growth and stimulator of the body’s defense mechanism


    Alfalfa Q
    Avena sativa Q
    Ginseng Q
    Cinchona officinalis Q
    Hydrastis canadensis Q
    Kali phosphoricum 3x
    Kali arsenicosum 6x
    Ferrum aceticum 3x
    Calcarea phosphorica 3x


    Children: 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day before meals.

  • SBL Bio Combination No. 21 (25gm) Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹105.00.

    SBL Bio Combination No. 21 Indications:

    Children who are crying, obstinate, peevish during dentition. Improves appetite and digestion


    Ferrum phosphoricum – 3x
    Calcarea phosphorica – 3x

    Dosage / Directions:

    1 to 2 tablets 4 times a day.

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