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  • Adel Pekana Adel 25 (Somcupin) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    For insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleep and daytime sleepiness.
    When stress or physical strain places extraordinary demands upon the nervous system, many people suffer from disturbance of their natural sleeping rhythm. In younger people, nerve anomalies may arise from factors such as job stress, while unrest in the elderly usually indicates organic illnesses and metabolic disorders. ADEL 25 (SOMCUPIN) drops deal directly with both psychic and physical factors that can lead to sleep disturbances

    Argentum nitricum 4x, Aurum chloratum natr. 4x, Avena sativa 4x, Coffea 12x, Eschscholtzia calif. 6x, Lactuca virosa 6x, Staphisagria 6x, Zincum valerianicum 12x
    Argentum nitricum effects the nervous system and mucous membranes. The strong antibacterial power of silver acts as a highly effective, specific agent against infections and inflammations of the mucous membranes. This substance also addresses moods and emotions that can contribute to sleeplessness.
    Aurum chloratum natr. relieves feelings of melancholy and depression that can inhibit quality sleep and cause the patient to be wide awake during the night. It also helps treat narrow arteries which leads to high blood pressure.
    Avena sativa is the classic calming and sleep agent for patients who suffer from “fear of the future” or the strain of nervous exhaustion and worry. Although this healing plant also offers nutritional value, it more importantly contains the alkaloid Avenin which provides a strong sedative effect.
    Coffea helps overcome sleeplessness caused by excessive use of substances such as coffee, tea and tobacco. It also helps to treat circulatory weakness that can lead to sleeplessness.
    Both Eschscholtzia calif. and Lactuca virosa provide a relaxing sleep effect, while Lactuca also effectively treats disturbed conditions of the respiratory and digestive tract.
    Staphisagria helps balance shattered nerves that result in agitated dreams and the inability to fall asleep after 3:00 am. It also regulates nervous disruptions from loss of fluids, sexual overstimulation, intestinal dysfunction, prostatitis, rheumatic neuralgia and pain caused by cancer
    Zincum valerianicum consists of salt of the trace element zinc and valerian acid from the valerian root. This combination prevents nervous insomnia and motoric unrest, and improves a variety of body functions regulated by zinc.


    (Unless otherwise prescribed)
    Adults 20 drops, Children 7 – 10 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

    Original Packing: 20ml sealed bottle.

  • Adel Pekana Adel 8 (Co-Hypert) (20ml) Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹260.00.


    Supports the management of blood pressure including renal or endocrine hypertension.
    ADEL-8(co-HYPERT) drops helps reduce and control high blood pressure particularly in cases where no easily recognizable cause can be diagnosed. This remedy also helps relieve hypertension related to elasticity problems, psychosomatic processes and organ (renal) insuffciency and can help prevent conditions that may lead to an infarct.


    Anamirta cocculus 4x
    Aurum chloratum natr. 4x
    Barium carbonicum 12x
    Ferula moschata 6x
    Iberis amara 6x
    Magnesium chloratum 8x
    Melilotus officinalis 4x
    Viscum album 6x

    Dosage / Directions:

    Mix 10 to 15 drops in half cup of water and take 3 to 4 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bioforce Blooume 26 Nervosan Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹140.00.

    Bioforce Blooume 26 Nervosan Drops Indication:

    An Anti-Stress. For nervousness, insomnia, nervous exhaustion and neurasthenia.


    Adults: 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times daily.

    Children: Half the adult dose. Or as directed by the physician.

  • c (30ml) Original price was: ₹135.00.Current price is: ₹110.00.

    For Tension and Stress, helps in relieving anxiety and nervousness.

  • Dr. Reckeweg R14-Sleep and Nerve Drops 22ml (Quieta) Original price was: ₹285.00.Current price is: ₹265.00.

    Dr. Reckeweg R14-Sleep and Nerve Drops

    Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R14-Sleep and Nerve Drops :

    Insomnia and various disturbances of the sleep, superficial sleep, light sleep, sleeplessness, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day, vivacity in the evening. Nervous restlessness and over-excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthenia, consequences of mental conflicts of long duration.


    Ammonium bromatum
    Avena sativa
    Humulus lupulus
    Passiflora incarnata
    Zincum valerianicum

    Dosage / Directions:

    In extreme nervous exhaustion and insomnia, 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water, at night 20 drops in some sweetened water. In most cases general relief and a less agitated sleep follow after several days. Thereupon, 10-15 drops once or twice daily ought to suffice. However, R14 acts differently on various individuals. Patients sensitive to medicine very often experience an aggravation, chiefly of insomnia. In such cases the dose should immediately be reduced to 5 drops 3 times a day, sometimes even less, even down to once only during the day (not recommended in the evening). Dosage should be adapted to the individual. In some cases, 20-30 drops 3 times a day may have to be taken to obtain any effect. However, before increasing the dose it would be advisable to observe the action of the medicine for several days.

    – Regular treatment should be continued for a longer period of time even after complete recovery, at the rate of 10-15 drops taken in the evening.

    Packing: 22ml sealed bottle.

  • New Life Ginkovit Drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹105.00.

    New Life Ginkovit Drops


    Highly effective in all kinds of weaknesses, fatigue, tiredness and exertion after mental or physical work.

    Strengthen, the power of self defence system and increases the vital energy if exerted and tired people.

    Usually useful for male, female and children and for those students who study for long hours.




    Ginkgo Biloba


    Glutamic Acid

    Magnesium Orotate



    Adult: 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day

    Children: 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day with little water or as directed by physician.

  • Nipco N18 (Insomnip)-Sleep drops (30ml) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹140.00.
    Nipco N18 (Insomnip)-Sleep drops Indications:

    Insomnia (sleeplessness),  Associated headache,  Fatigue., Drowsiness. Helps in getting quality and sound sleep. Helpful in conditions of Long term insomnia (chronic)  which can be due to long term stress, mental fatigue, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder.


    Avena Sativa, Passiflora, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia Amara, Zincum Met, Valeriana.


    20 drops an hour before sleep or as directed.


  • Nipco Rawalflora Tonic 90.00240.00

    Indications of Nipco Rawalflora Tonic :

    An effective tonic for high blood pressure, headaches related to difference in blood pressure, irritability, loss of concentration, nervous excitement, recommended for sleeplessness also.


    Rauwolfia Serpentina  Q
    Passiflora  Incarnata   Q
    Baryta Muriatica   3X
    Kali Phosphoricum  3X
    Valeriana Officinalis  Q
    Ignatia Amara  2X
    Ginseng 2X
    Avena Sativa Q
    Kalium Bromatum 3X
    Natrum Muraticum 3X


    Two teaspoon 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • SBL Alfalfa Tonic (Paediatric) (115ml) Original price was: ₹130.00.Current price is: ₹125.00.


    for anxiety states
    For students engaged in competitive pursuits e.g. examinations and thus mentally stressed.
    Children with general debility, weakness, emaciation, loss of appetite, poor stunted or retarded growth.
    Sleeplessness, tiredness from worry, tension and overwork.
    In recovery stages of fever, following viral illness or following weakness in acute or chronic diarrhoea.
    As a promoter of growth and stimulator of the body’s defense mechanism


    Alfalfa Q
    Avena sativa Q
    Ginseng Q
    Cinchona officinalis Q
    Hydrastis canadensis Q
    Kali phosphoricum 3x
    Kali arsenicosum 6x
    Ferrum aceticum 3x
    Calcarea phosphorica 3x


    Children: 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day before meals.

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