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  • Wheezal WL-9 Convulsion Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL-9 Convulsion Drops


    Wheezal WL09 Convulsion Drop is a homeopathic brain booster that promotes normal electrical activity in the brain and nerves and minimizes the after effects of serious Alcoholism. Addiction to alcohol is a genuine issue and withdrawal from alcoholism can be tedious causing brain illness and convulsive seizures. Wheezal WL09 Convulsive Drop is used to restore normal electrical activity in brain and nerves and reduces the symptoms of post alcoholism.



    Bufo. Rana
    Cuprum. Met
    Puls. Nig
    Zinc. Met.


    10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.

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  • Wheezal WL35 Headache Drops (30ml) 175.00

    Wheezal WL35 Headache Drops

    Indications: It is mainly used to provide relief from headache caused due to overuse of laptops and mobile phones
    • Students with excessive use of computer and improper posture along with constant stare in computer devices often suffer from combination of eyestrain, exhaustion, anxiety, stress, and associated issues. Wheezal Headache Drop uses active ingredients to combat any such issues.

    Take 10-15 drops of Wheezal WL35 Headache Drop in water 3 times a day before meals or as directed by the physician.

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  • Wheezal Wormsquil Drop (30ml) 150.00

    Wheezal Wormsquil Drop Indications:

    Wheezal Wormsquil Drops act as intestinal antiseptic. It helps in treating the common worm infestations (roundworm, hookworm, pinworm and tapeworm) among children. The drops also treat voracious appetite, salivation with nausea, frequent urination with compelling urging, irritability and emaciation.


    Santoninum 3X

    Napthaline 3X

    Chenopodium Q

    Teucrium Q

    Thymolum 3X

    Cina Q

    Directions For Use:
    3 to 5 drops, 2 to 4 times in a day for children ;5 to 10 drops 2 to 4 times in a day for adults or as prescribed by physician

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