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  • Nipco Aloe Socotrina Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Aloe Socotrina Q Indications:

    Nipco Aloe Socotrina Mother Tincture is an effective homeopathic remedy which is primarily used as an energy booster to relieve fatigue and exhaustion. It is especially useful for aged people and for those who excessively indulge in intoxicants and can also be used to treat severe conditions of headache. It is indicated in the treatment of intestinal and uterine infections.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 3-5 drops of the Mother Tincture in half cup of water three times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Amlaki Q (30ml) 120.00

    Nipco Amlaki Q Indications:

    Nipco Amlaki Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic remedy that has various health benefits. Formulated with Embelica Officinalis also known as Amla, it has powerful antioxidant properties and also protects our cells against damage caused by harmful free radicals. It has anti-bacterial and astringent properties which help in the treatment of infections and also support healing of ulcers. It also supports overall well being and health.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be directed by the physician. It can be safely taken along with other allopathic medicines.

  • Nipco Amyl Nitrosum Q (30ml) 450.00

    Nipco Amyl Nitrosum Q Indications:

    Nipco Amyl Nitrosum Mother Tincture is a homeopathic remedy prepared from amyl nitrite. It is used for hot flushes, hiccups, high blood pressure, heart failure, etc. It also cures the symptoms of asthma, suffocation, and anxiety. It is highly effective and unique liquid dissolution of amyl nitrosum that helps in curing the problems relating to dizziness, anxiety, blood pressure, and other related disorders. It is an excellent natural remedy curing many of the ailments relating to mind face and body of a human being.This homeopathic medicine is safe to use and has no side effects.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 3-5 drops 2-3 times in a day or as directed by the physician.It can be taken along with the allopathic medicines. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine, e.g., camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

  • Nipco Anacap Pills (25gm) Original price was: ₹90.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.


    Forgetfulness, Weak memory, cannot able to concentrate and recollect fast. Helpful for students in exams, and Improves concentration in adults.


    Anacardium, Baryta Carb, Acid Phos, Kali Phos


    4 to 6 pills 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Anacardium Occidentale Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Anacardium Occidentale Q Indications:

    Nipco Anacardium Occidentale Mother Tincture is used to treat corns, ringworm, allergic rash, and warts. It is also helpful in allergic skin rash with itching and redness, blister on skin with burning pain, corns, ringworm, allergic rash, warts.

    Directions For Use:

    As directed by the physician

  • Nipco Apis Mellifica Q (30ml) 190.00

    Nipco Apis Mellifica Q Indications:

    Nipco Apis Mellifica Mother Tincture acts on mucous membrane and skin with swelling and effusions. It helps against swelling in inner linings of certain organs and membranes. It is also a good medicine for treating kidney inflammation and certain skin ailments.

    Directions For Use:

    Consult a doctor before taking the medicine for exact dosage.

  • Nipco Aralia Racemosa Q (30ml) 120.00

    Nipco Aralia Racemosa Q Indications:

    Nipco Aralia Racemosa Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine with properties of a stimulant and detoxifier. It is a helpful remedy for asthmatic conditions. It completes the process of filtration by reducing bacterial counts and promotes the strength of phytochemicals in the body. Based on natural formulation, it is safe to use.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be recommended by the physician.Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication. Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • Nipco Arnica Montana Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Arnica Montana Q Indications:

    Nipco Arnica Montana Mother Tincture can be useful for post-injury bruises that cause pain in the joints and muscular cramps. It may also be an effective remedy for mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. It also helps in reducing soreness and stops bleeding. Buzzing sensation and pain in the cartilage of ears can also be relieved by its use.

    Directions For Use:

    Use as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Arnicare Tablets (25gm) Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹135.00.

    Nipco Arnicare Tablets (25gm)

    promotes the development of follicles to ensure maximum production of hairs. It is, however, necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle, improvements in the diet plan and exercise regularly for the betterment of hair health.

    Hair fall is the result of several factors, including both physical and psychological. Physical factors involved in hair loss are irregular eating time, lack of essential nutrients on the scalp, disturbed sleep-wake cycle or excessive smoking and alcoholism. However, psychological factors contributing to hair fall are an emotional disturbance, extra stress, depression and anxiety. Arnicare Tablets are the best cure for proper hair growth.

  • Nipco Artemisia Vulgaris Q (30ml) 150.00

    Nipco Artemisia Vulgaris Q Indications:

    Nipco Artemisia Vulgaris Mother Tincture is a homoeopathy medicine that is prepared from the plant called mugwort. It is used both medicinally as well as a culinary herb. Previously, it is used as a bittering and flavouring agent in fermented grain beverage. It normally blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The Mother Tincture is helpful in epileptic conditions and in convulsive diseases of childhood.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 3-5 drops two to three times a day or as advised by a physician. Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication. Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose.

  • Nipco Ashwagandha Q (30ml) Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹110.00.

    Nipco Ashwagandha Q Indications:

    Nipco Ashwagandha Mother Tincture is an effective remedy for the treatment of issues like depression, Arthritis and rheumatic pains. It boosts immunity and brain function by improving memory and concentration. It is effective in reducing inflammation and shows anti tumor activity and immunosuppressive properties.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 10-15 drops of Withania Somnifera Mother Tincture diluted in half cup water thrice a day or as directed by the physician

  • Nipco Aspidosperma Q (30ml) 250.00

    Nipco Aspidosperma Q Indications:

    Nipco Aspidosperma Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic remedy for the treatment of issues relating to the respiratory system. It relieves symptoms of asthma and acts as a respiratory tract stimulant. It also relives congestion in the chest and promotes better breathing.

    Directions For Use:

    Take 3-5 drops of Mother Tincture in 1 teaspoon of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Atista Indica Q (30ml) 100.00

    Nipco Atista Indica Q Indications:

    Nipco Atista Indica Mother Tincture?is a homoeopathic medicine which is indicated in deadly fevers. It is an effective medicine for treating Dysentery. It also helps in biliary and gastric disorders.

    Directions For Use:
    Dosage should be directed by the physician.

  • Nipco Avena Sativa Q (30ml) 100.00

    Nipco Avena Sativa Q Indications:

    Nipco Avena Sativa Mother Tincture is a powerful homeopathy medicine that is used in treating sexual debility, menstrual headache and general weakness.It is also helpful in reducing sleeplessness and promotes mental concentration. It also helps in reducing numbness in our limbs and delay in menses.

    Directions For Use:

    Dosage should be directed by the physician.Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication.Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose

  • Nipco Azadirachta Indica Q 100.00

    Nipco Azadirachta Indica Q Indications:

    Nipco Azadirachta Indica Mother Tincture?is a powerful homeopathy medicine mainly indicated for treating various types of skin diseases including blisters, scabies, leprosy, and irritating skin . It is also recommended for treating fever, fetid smell, flatulence, severe pain umbilical region. It is also called Neem which is grown in , Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal. It is bitter in nature and is prepared from the bark of the tree. Every part of neem tree has got medicinal properties. It is from Meliaceae family.

    Directions For Use
    Dosage should be directed by a physician.Maintain 30 minutes gap between drink, food or any other medication.Avoid strong smell in the mouth before taking a dose.

  • Nipco Badiaga Q 150.00

    Nipco Badiaga Q Indications:

    Nipco Badiaga Mother Tincture?is an effective medication for the treatment of sore muscles and hard skin covering. It is a good medication for the treatment of swollen glands and partial paralysis. It is also used for the treatment of thick yellow cough. Sensitivity due to cold is also reduced using this medicine.

    Directions For Use
    Consult a doctor before taking the medicine.

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