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  • Bakson B21 Strength Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B21 Strength Drops


    Bakson’s B21 Strength Drop is a combination of various ingredients that work together to help treat issues related to sexual wellness in men. Issues like Premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, and tiredness which leads to a lack of confidence are helped to treat.


    Acid Phos
    Agnus Castus
    Conium M

    Directions For Use:

    Take Bakson’s B21 Strength Drop as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B22 Sinus Drops (30ml) 200.00

    Bakson B22 Sinus Drops


    Bakson’s B22 Sinus Drops is a homoeopathic remedy for chronic sinusitis, congestion, painful and frequent headache, chronic sneezing, blocked nose and cheek pain. Sinus can be a discomforting situation and it is caused due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It is mostly caused due to a virus, bacteria or fungus. In some cases, it is also caused due to an allergic reaction or when the immune system decides to attack healthy cells.



    Arsenicum album
    Calcarea carbonicum hahnemanni
    Hydrastis can.
    Kalium bichromicum
    Pulsatilla nig

    Directions For Use:

    Take 10-15 Bakson’s B22 Sinus Drops in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B23 Skin Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B23 Skin Drops


    Bakson’s B23 Skin Drop is used for various skin complaints including Itching, eczema conditions, pimples, rash and urticaria. These complaints can arise due to many reasons like infections, systemic complaints and many more.


    Apis mell

    Ars album

    Directions For Use:
    10-15 drops should be diluted in water and should be taken 3 times a day.

  • Bakson B24 Nausea Drop (30ML) 185.00

    Bakson’s Bakson B24 Nausea Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s Bakson B24 Nausea Drop helps deal with drowsiness to relieve chronic nausea, vomiting, and vertigo. It reduces anxiety and motion sickness while travelling or during pregnancy. It aids in the relief of gastrointestinal disorders as well as the reduction of abdominal pain.


    Aethusa cyn.

    Cocculus in.

    Colchicum aut.


    Nux vom.


    Veratrum alb

    Directions For Use:
    Use as directed on the label or as advised by your physician.

  • Bakson B25 Acne Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B25 Acne Drops


    Bakson’s B25 Acne Drops is used for the treatment of Acne Vulgaris and is also helpful in preventing eruptions of pimples and pustules. It is very effective in treatment of eczema and also helps in curing the inflammatory conditions of Sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin and is an effective remedy for the treatment of blackheads, white heads and comedones.


    Ammonium brom.
    Hepar sulph
    Juglans reg
    Kalium brom
    Ledum pal.
    Natrum brom
    Natrum mur.
    Viola tricolor


    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B25 Acne Drops mixed in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B26 Injury Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B26 Injury Drops


    Bakson’s B26 Injury Drop is helpful in common injuries include cuts, bruises, burns, dislocations, fractures, sprains and strains. A wound is a type of injury in which skin is torn, cut or punctured (an open wound), lacerations/abrasions or where blunt force trauma causes a contusion (a closed wound) or bruise, heamatoma (collection of blood under the skin) etc.


    Arnica mont.
    Calendula off.
    Echinacea an.
    Hamamelis vir
    Rhus tox.
    Symphytum off.
    Ruta graveolens

    Directions Of Use:

    10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day. Or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B27 Worms Drop (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B27 Worms Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B27 Worms Drop is primarily used to deworm all types of worms in the body including threadworms, hookworms and relieves itchiness in the anus. It effectively treats symptoms associated with worms such as irritable moods along with constipation and mild fever, especially in children.


    Artemisia Vul.


    Filix mas



    Directions for use:
    Take 10-15 drops in water, three times daily or as directed by the physician.


  • Bakson B28 Weight Drop (30ml) 200.00

    Bakson B28 Weight Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B28 Weight Drops is very helpful in reducing excess weight caused either due to metabolic disorders or any other cause that leads to weight gain such as Thyroid. It helps in curing metabolic disorders and corrects the malfunction of thyroid glands which secrets excess amounts of iodine and is one of the primary reasons for unexplained weight gain.


    Calcarea carb. hahn.

    Croton tig.

    Fucus v.


    Natrum sulph.

    Spongia tosta

    Directions For Use:
    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B28 Weight Drops mixed in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B29 Intercostal Drop (30ml) 175.00

    Bakson B29 Intercostal Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B29 Intercostal Drops is an effective remedy for the treatment of Intercostal neuralgia. It is an extremely painful disorder that causes damage to the nerves and renders them dysfunctional. Its symptoms include sharp pain in the chest beginning from the back. It can be an extremely distressing situation and Intercostal Drops provides effective relief from it.


    Arsenicum album


    Ranunculus bul

    Directions For Use:
    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B29 Intercostal drops diluted in water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.



  • Bakson B3 Diarrhoea Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B3 Diarrhoea Drops


    Bakson’s B3 Diarrhoea Drops is a homoeopathic remedy for the treatment of Diarrhoea and related issues. It is a disorder that causes you to pass loose, watery stools. The frequency is high and it often makes one weak. It is caused due to a bacterial or viral infection transmitted through consumption of contaminated water, food or another contaminant. In some cases, it also causes abdominal pains. It is also effective for curing chronic and acute Gastro entererocolitis with Dysentery.


    Acidum phos



    Cinchona off.


    Ferrum phos.

    Mercurius subl. Corr.


    Rhus tox

    Veratrum album

    Directions For Use:
    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B3 Diarrhoea Drops mixed in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B30 Nocturnal Drops (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B30 Nocturnal Drop


    Nocturnal enuresis is involuntary urination in the bed, mainly occurs in children wither due to fear, anxiety or poor control of bladder.


    Clacera phosporicum 30x,
    Ferrum phosphoricum 8x,
    kalium phosphoricum 12x,
    Pulsatilla nig. 12x,
    Sepia 6x.

    Directions For Use:

    Adults: 10-15 drops should be diluted with water and taken 3 times a day. Children: 8-10 drops should be diluted with water and taken 3 times a day.

  • Bakson B31 Mensin Drop (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B31 Mensin Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B31 Mensin Drop is a homeopathic formulation available in the form of drops. The drops are enriched with natural herbs and herbal tinctures that helps in the management and treatment of painful menses.


    Caulophyllum Thalictroides

    Cimicifuga Racemosa

    Magnesia Phosphorica

    Viburnum Opulus

    Cuprum aceticum


    Directions For Use:

    Take Bakson’s B31 Mensin Drop as directed by the physician

    As directed, one can take 10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day

  • Bakson B32 Lax-N-Liv Drop (30ml) 185.00

    Bakson B32 Lax-N-Liv Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B32 Lax-N-Liv Drop helps to stimulate the intestine and regulates bowel movements. It helps to stimulate the intestine and regulates bowel movements. It is also useful in relieving constipation during pregnancy.


    Carduus marianus

    Chelidonium maj


    Lycopodium clav

    Nux vomica


    Directions For Use:
    10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.

  • Bakson B33 Cough Drops (30ml) 200.00

    Bakson B33 Cough Drops


    Bakson’s B33 Cough Drop is a unique formulation with quality herbs that are effective broncho relaxants, expectorants, and respiratory demulcents. It provides quick relief from both dry coughs, allergic cough, and cough with phlegm.


    Bryonia alb
    Rumex crisp
    Cuprum acet
    Drosera rot
    Spongia tosta
    Thymus ser


    10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.

  • Bakson B34 Tumour Drop (30ML) 185.00

    Bakson B34 Tumour Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B34 Tumor Drops is an effective remedy for the treatment of glandular swellings. It relives pain associated with swollen abdomen and treats affected glandular structures. It treats common symptoms associated with glandular swellings such as sore throat, fever and bodily fatigue. It can also be used to treat severe headache and muscle ache.


    Baryta carb.

    Scrophularia nodosa

    Directions For Use:
    Take 10-15 drops of Bakson’s Tumour Drop diluted in half cup water three times a day or as directed by the physician.

  • Bakson B35 Urinary Drop (30ML) 200.00

    Bakson B35 Urinary Drop Indications:

    Bakson’s B35 Urinary Tract is a homoeopathic remedy for the treatment of Urinary Tract Disorders. Urinary Tract is responsible for removing toxic waste and excess water from the body and it comprises of bladder, kidney, the ureters and the urethra. It also provides relief from urinary tract disorders such as itching sensation, painful urination, burning sensation upon passing urine and other related issues.


    Berberis vulg.



    Equisetum hyemale

    Eupatorium purpureum

    Directions For Use:
    Mix 10-15 drops of Bakson’s B35 Urinary Tract in diluted water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

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